Friday, May 31, 2019
Free Great Gatsby Essays: Social Attitudes :: Great Gatsby Essays
Social Attitudes Represented in The Great Gatsby Fitzgerald This fresh is in general about c go far(a) and upper class American citizens and their lives a few years after the first world war had concluded. The author, a World War I stager himself, shows insight into the lives and minds of American soldiers who fought in Europe during the conflict and the interesting experiences some may have had in the years following their return. Through written conversation, the allegory deals with many of the social attitudes and ideas that prevailed during the early 20s. Historical facts are cleverly infused into the body of the novel that gives the reader an authentic and classic impression of the story. A clear vox populi of the discrimination that existed in that time period against non-whites and women was evident by the time the conclusion of the book was reached. For instance, a conversation takes place between characters in the novel in which civilization is said to b e going to pieces as a result of "The Rise of the Coloured Empires". Women are also constantly referred to as "girls". in addition incorporated, was an interesting but sometimes uneventful sub-plot of a mans extreme love for a woman and the catastrophic events that take place as a result. This was suggestive of many people of the day who had a spouse but also maintained a relationship outside of the marrage. The plot centres on a false World War I army veteran named Nick Carraway. After his involvement in the war on the allied side with a elevator car gun battalion, he returned to his home in Chicago. With no clear direction of what he wanted to do with his life, he decided to move to New York to enter into the business of selling bonds. He settled down on an area of considerable Island called West Egg, directly beside a more fashionable area of Long Island called West Egg. Across from him lived a rich man named Jay Gatsby who also was a World War I vet. No t far away lived a get hitched with couple Daisy and Tom Buchanan which he knew relatively well. It was at their residence that he met a woman, Jordan Baker, who was to become his good friend and later his girl friend. Carraway soon became a good friend with his rich neighbour next door, Gatsby, and soon was exposed to many rumours about this man which caused him to question his relationship with him.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Increase in Young Criminals :: Argumentative Persuasive Papers
Increase in Young Criminals Increased youth crime rate is caused largely by absent fathers as a result of divorce made too easy. Consider this chilling forecast. When we pass the year 2000, we will see two groups of working age adults emerging. unity group will have received psychological, social, economic, educational and moral benefits and the other group will have been denied them all. The first group will have enceinte up with a father present in the house and the second group will have not had a father present. The groups will be roughly equal in size. In order to be disunite in my parents era of the fifties, one mate had to be proven adulterous. Legally, one party was deemed guilty and one was innocent. That finding affected each party financially and socially enough so that most couples tried hard not to divorce. In Canada the rate of divorce in 1951 was one out of twenty couples. In the late sixties, the sexual revolution began and couples rebelled against the constraints of marriage. Movie makers and journalists became rich extolling the virtues of free love and liberation. The asset of more grounds for divorce and the elimination of the need to appear in court made it easier for couples to split. Now there are no fault divorces which moreover decrease the stigma. By 1987 one out of two couples divorced. Since then, the annual divorce rate has dipped slightly. The stigma is almost gone. Books are written about doing your accept divorce. One can obtain a low budget quickie divorce by phone or fax to the Dominican Republic in about three days. There are divorce parties. Even the Royal Family discusses its divorce dilemmas on t.v. The divorce picture is not all rosy. According to sociologist Lenore Weitzman, divorced women get by on about 64% of the income they had during marriage. For their children, this translates into less money for school activities, clothes, opportunities for traveling and learning, day care and sometimes food. Children can b e called on to do adult tasks before they are ready, like caring for younger siblings. Older children whitethorn be required to work long hours at a job to help bring money to the family. As a result, they may fall behind in their school work. After a while, the child may feel it is hopeless to try to keep up and decide to quit school.
Social Forces Affecting Education -Pressures on Children Essay
Social multitudes play a major role in the achievement that takes place in our nations schools. Factors that take place outside of the classroom have significant effects that intrude on a nippers learning environment. These social forces hold no prejudice to the youth for whom they afflict and arise in every school setting across the public school system. It is all important(p) that one recognizes the impact that social forces have on the future leaders of our country and what conflicts they create for our present day learners. Because we live in a agonistic society and want to be able to compete in the global economy, achievement pressure runs rampant in classrooms across the country (, 2011). When parents and teachers can take aware of the emotional burdens and adverse effects that high achievement pressures carry, they will no doubt second guess their choice to perpetuate them (Weissbourd, 2011). The first tint in solving any problem is to first be able to acknow ledge it. Pressures on children in todays society are a problem that is becoming more evident in academics as parents and teachers put more and more emphasis on these children to outperform their classmates, stress in the childs life becomes an interfering problem (, 2011 Weissbourd, 2011,). From preschool children to college adults, pressure to execute academic perfection extends across all areas of curriculum. In our highly competitive, American society, emphasis move on academic achievement has never been so intense (, 2011, Beilock, 2011). This need to be the best, fueled by our culture in America, has created a social force affecting education, a force to be reckoned with at that. Too often, parents and teachers sacrifice their chil... ... medical foundation. Retrieved from http// Kaur, S. (2011). Retrieved from http// (2011, 5 16). Ret rieved from http// Herrfeldt, B. (n.d.). Retrieved from http// Weissbourd, R. (2011, May). The Overpressured Student. educational Leadership, Vol. 68, No. 8, 23-27.Kadison, R. & DiGeronimo, T.F. (2004). College of the Overwhelmed. San Francisco, CA Jossey-Bass.American Psychological Association (APA) (2012, March 12). Reducing academic pressure may help children succeed. Retrieved from http//
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
New Economic Imperialism Essays -- Essays Papers
New Economic Imperialism Those in power define national interests as the preservation of the lively set of economic, social, and political relationships. Therefore, the national interest of the supranational capitalist society is the interests of the upper class, allied throughout the globe. The United States capitalist class has proposed to preserve and impart U.S. capitalism by a policy of empire building to satisfy the need for large export markets that could supply cheap inputs and guarantee consumption. The road to the real economic imperial structure prevalent in foreign affairs is a long and complicated one. During the twentieth century the capitalist elite began forming organizations in which to formulate and implement their policies on the supranational level, most of which were founded by John D. Rockefeller based on principles developed by Cecil Rhodes. These included the Council on Foreign Relations, three-sided Commission and countless other s scattered throughout the developed world. During the 1940s they began to create institutions with real power, sanctioned by nation-states, which would have the ability to implement policies on the international level, something they needed. These included the United Nations, the political arm, NATO, the military arm, and the two monetary funds created during the conference held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944 the International Monetary Fund and the solid ground Bank. It was decided international monetary institutions were needed to stabilize currencies and to facilitate programs of capital investments for constructive undertakings in backward and underdeveloped regions. (Sklar 148) Corporations would float bonds guaranteed by the ... ... Subsequently, a world-wide imperialistic strategy has developed designed to keep developing countries in a position where the West wants them.Works CitedIMF funding system unfair Mugabe. Mon, 04 Jun 2001. Mohan, Giles, et al. mor phological Adjustment Theory, Practice, and Impacts. New York Routledge, 2000.Munoru, John. Zimbabwe IMF Applies More Pressure. 1999. Onimode, Bade. The IMF, The World Bank and The African Debt The Economic Impact. London Atlantic Highlands, N.J., USA Zed Books, 1989.Shaoul, Jean. IMF Tightens The Screws on Zimbabwe. 18 tremendous 1999. Sklar, Holly. Trilateralism and Elite Planning For World Management. Boston South End Press, 1980.
Enders Game And Out Of The Silent Planet Essay :: essays research papers fc
In both sassys, the char portrayalers represent certain kinds of individuals in todays society. They encounterjealousy, as well as many other conflicts within themselves, and human nature. Ultimately, these two novels feature the inner conflicts of our society.Both, Enders Game and Out of the Silent Planet be related in terms of the phratry structures of society, the qualities of the characters, and both characters struggles with others in the stories.In Enders Game class structure is strictly military based. The classes are comprised of Citizens, who are just common people, making up the basic population, but are separate from the other classes. "Thirds" are children who were allowed to be born. In this futuristic setting the novel takes place in. Families were only allowed to comprise of two children. However, in Ender Wiggens case, the government believed that he was the missing link, the great air force officer who would lead Earth to victory against the dreaded &quo tBuggers". Which Ender does achieve. Thirds, however, were shunned, picked on, and often left out because they were sought to be social out casts."Launchies" were the newcomers to the Battle School. They were always about sestet years old, and were often the lackeys of the older children soldiers. Next came the platoons. platoons were the main fighting group, which was just the basic soldier, they had little respect from others as well as themselves. Platoon leaders however, were the more desired positions at the Battle School. They were the best of the soldiers, and were veterans. Chosen over a period of time, and flight reviewing were the Army Leaders. Each Army Leader was expected to act a certain way, hardened and wise, as well as strict. Those, who made it to Army Leader often graduated, and went to war against the Buggers. Above these classes were the political castes. They were often haze over and misled individuals, who often made many important decisions. At others expense they followed through with their decisions, such as with taking Ender away from his family to train in the military. Orson Scott Card is quoted formula about the government that "the followers are ignorant and stupid and easily fooled, and the leaders are exploitative and cynical, manipulating others faith for their private benefit."(Card, pg. 2) Which the government in his novel was often portrayed doing to the general public. One instance of this was, when Ender was attacked by Bonzo and a few of the other boys.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
library :: essays research papers
Library CollectionsReference Collection - The collection contains on-line and print materials on totally subjects, but focuses on those subjects that bear out the research needs of our students and faculty. Some of these sources are encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, glossaries, directories, and atlases. Public computer terminals are located on both the first and second floors. Reference Desk personnel leave alone provide instruction on accessioning these materials. Contact the 1st floor Reference Service Desk at Ext. 4410 or (773) 442-4410 for further information.Periodicals - The periodicals collection includes academic journals, magazines, indexes and newspapers across all subject areas and in multiple formats. Materials in paper or microfilm are located on the second floor of the Library. Full text electronic journals may be accessed from any computer on or off-campus (off-campus access is limited to NEIU students, faculty and staff). Contact the 2nd floor Reference Ser vice Desk at Ext. 4572 or (773) 442-4572 for further information.Government development - The Library is a depository for both Federal and State government publications. The print collection dates from 1963 (federal) and 1968 (state) with some retrospective holdings. In addition, computers are available for accessing information on CD-ROMs or the Internet. This includes Census data, current economic statistics, and a variety of other electronic resources. The Government Information Center is located on the 2nd floor of the Ronald Williams Library. For information call 773-442-4572 (Government Information Reference) or 773-442-4474 (Government Information Librarian).MLRC - Multimedia Learning Resource Center - The MLRC provides access to a variety of media formats to support all subject areas in the NEIU curricula. It brings together materials from the Librarys audiovisual materials collection, the Curriculum Materials collection, the University Media Services collection, the Music Listening Room collection, and the Librarys special collections in music. For further information or assistance call Ext. 4560 or (773) 442-4560.Curriculum Materials Collection (CMC) - The CMC includes ERIC documents on microfiche, elementary and secondary level textbooks, teacher resource materials, childrens books and magazines, and AV materials. The CMC is located on the 3rd floor of the Library.University Archives - The University Archives collection includes minutes of University meetings, policies and reports, the Internal Budget, Northeasterns student newspaper and yearbooks from 1964 to 1982. University Archives are located in the Lower Level of the Library. For further information call Ext. 4402 or (773) 442-4402. Illinois Regional Archives Depository (IRAD) - A repository of primary source documents on lucre municipal government as well as genealogical information for Cook County.
library :: essays research papers
Library CollectionsReference Collection - The collection contains on-line and print materials on all subjects, but focuses on those subjects that support the research demand of our students and faculty. Some of these sources be encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, glossaries, directories, and atlases. Public computer terminals are fixed on both the first and second floors. Reference Desk personnel will provide counselling on accessing these materials. Contact the 1st floor Reference Service Desk at Ext. 4410 or (773) 442-4410 for hike up training.Periodicals - The periodicals collection includes academic journals, magazines, indexes and newspapers across all subject areas and in multiple formats. Materials in paper or microfilm are located on the second floor of the Library. Full text electronic journals may be accessed from any computer on or off-campus (off-campus access is limited to NEIU students, faculty and staff). Contact the 2nd floor Reference Service Desk at Ext. 4572 or (773) 442-4572 for further information.Government Information - The Library is a depository for both Federal and State government publications. The print collection dates from 1963 (federal) and 1968 (state) with some retrospective holdings. In addition, computers are available for accessing information on CD-ROMs or the Internet. This includes Census data, current economic statistics, and a mannequin of other electronic resources. The Government Information Center is located on the 2nd floor of the Ronald Williams Library. For information call 773-442-4572 (Government Information Reference) or 773-442-4474 (Government Information Librarian).MLRC - Multimedia Learning Resource Center - The MLRC provides access to a variety of media formats to support all subject areas in the NEIU curricula. It brings together materials from the Librarys audiovisual materials collection, the Curriculum Materials collection, the University Media Services collection, the Music Listening Room collection, and the Librarys special collections in music. For further information or assistance call Ext. 4560 or (773) 442-4560.Curriculum Materials Collection (CMC) - The CMC includes ERIC documents on microfiche, elementary and secondary level textbooks, teacher resource materials, childrens books and magazines, and AV materials. The CMC is located on the 3rd floor of the Library.University Archives - The University Archives collection includes minutes of University meetings, policies and reports, the Internal Budget, Northeasterns student newspaper and yearbooks from 1964 to 1982. University Archives are located in the Lower aim of the Library. For further information call Ext. 4402 or (773) 442-4402. Illinois Regional Archives Depository (IRAD) - A repository of primary source documents on Chicago municipal government as well as genealogical information for Cook County.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Hair Braid in the Global Market
Supremely confident market registering strong growth rates. southeast African beauty shops unaffected by economic downturn Chemical relaxing and African hair styling most popular services accounting for almost all salon business. Products formulated to suit new service combinations such as colouring relaxed hair in acquire, command premium prices in salons The sulfur African hair care market both professional and consumer is growing in double digits and this strong growth is expected to continue for 2010 and beyond. Hosting the World Cup may consecrate elysian the country but the economic fundamentals are extremely positive.The economy develops and employment expands in South Africa. The number of people in image or appearance conscious workplaces such as consumer service industries, media sector and the professions is growing strongly. The middle classes, in particular the black middle class, are increasing in size and influence. In South Africa patterns of consumption o f hair services and products differ by consumer segment and by ethnic group. The ethnic African segment is the sensation largest consumer group and this market has the most potential. As one salon expert in Johannesburg explained, There is a big market for ethnic hair.These needs have to be addressed Chemical relaxing and African hair styling are the most popular services accounting for almost 80% of salon business. copper relaxing is the leading service category and will continue to be the mainstay of the African professional and consumer hair care market. The complex relaxing cultivate consists of a package of services with many procedures. A wide product range selling different formulations and packages for the various process stages is required. There is strong as yet unmet- demand for colourants suitable for using on relaxed hair.African styling is the next most important service category in black salons. This term is engrossd to cover a number of styles such as braiding, hair extensions and pieces, dreadlocks or dreads, bonding, their infinite variations and many combinations. These hairstyles can last for up to three months, during which time they require the on-going use of conditioners and treatments to prevent damage and breakage. South African consumers for reasons of convenience and comfort need salons and hairdressers to provide these complex and labour intensive services.Chemical relaxing and African hairstyling which require circumstantial and different stylist skills are quite different markets. Salons must be multiservice on order to meet their clients needs. In addition, the product range required for styling and relations with relaxed hair is extensive. A multiplicity of brands and products is now needed because few, if any brands, can be described as multi tasking that is effective on the different types of hair seen by salon stylists on a daily basis. Salons are looking for multi-platform products to be formulated. Products that deliver these goods can command double the price in salons in South Africa.The South African market is the largest in Africa, is a bridge head to the larger sub Saharan regional market, and to the descendants of ethnic Africans in some other part of the world. In this new report Professional Hair Care Market South Africa, the author quantifies the value of the salon haircare market (in South African Rand) and the number of salons and hairdressers -both formal and informal- operating in South Africa. The market is segmented in terms of price points, service categories and products used. This new research determines demand for chemical relaxing, African hair styling and colouring services in hair salons in South Africa.The research also focuses on company and brand tract in this fragmented market. Findings are based on in-depth discussions conducted with salon experts in Johannesburg during November 2009. This report is also available in the following Languages Afrikaans, Sesotho a nd IsiXulu. The report consists of 2 parts (a powerpoint presentation and the report itself as a pdf file) Contents (Hair care, haircut, style, African styling, braiding, weaves, wefts, hair extensions, dreadlocks, relaxing, texture, curls, colour, treatments, wet and dry products, beauty, nails, brands, salon, spa. ) REPORT STRUCTURE SECTION 1
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Human Development: Older Adulthood Essay
In considering the life experience of an old(a) person, it is essential to know rough the developmental stages of human beings. Eriksons theories of development give a good general overview of the various developmental challenges and breakthroughs which state have throughout their lives, from conception until inwrought death. Older adulthood is a time when people be confronted with having a sense of generativity or feeling a sense of despair.The older adult who is polite and is able to look back on life knowing that one devoted oneself to good causes has generally a good feeling of generativity, while the older person who has a sense of failure in regard to ones life endeavors, shame in regard to not having contributed enough, is often leave despairing. At this point in life, in the later years of a persons development, it is just as common to find people who are satisfied with their lifelong contribution as it is to find people who are dissatisfied with what they have for oth ers.In speaking with Margie, it is clear that she is not sure if she has do the best for her children, because she is alone in an assisted living community without many enforceing relatives. Margie is an 82 year old woman who lives in an urban assisted living apartment building. Although she has met some friends in the community and enjoys the indoor garden and parakeets as well as the weekly Catholic Mass celebrated by a local priest, she is saddened by the lack of visitors she receives.A small woman with dark grey and black hair and hunched shoulders, Margie moves around the building slowly and with a seemingly idle or nondirected stride. She pauses often to look around the room, as if searching for something. She says that out of her five children, only two of them come to visit regularly, and that is around once a month. I ask her if she feels deserted or ignored, and she says yes. In considering her relationships with her children, she often wonders if she was too inattentiv e with them, if she didnt care about them the correct way.I understand that she thinks that if she had formed better relationships with her children, and then they would be closer to her now. I can sense this painful feeling sharply in her presence, and I cannot do or say anything to counter her feeling. Perhaps shes right. I allow Margie to talk about her family members, her husband, siblings, and especially her children. She takes photographs from her room and points to her grandchildren, lovely people, I say. In asking Margie how she feels being an older person, she says that its ok. She doesnt feel as good as she used to feel.Shes tired. I get the sense that on that point is an overarching umbrella of depression which covers her and follows her everywhere. I ask Margie if theres anything society should change about how it deal with older people, and she says that society shouldnt forget about them. She has the sense that her children have forgotten her, and she wonders if the mothering care she provided for them as children wasnt enough to keep them devoted to her unavoidably as she ages. At one point, tears accumulate down Margies face. What can I do, an old lady, to make my children love me more?I just dont know. In speaking with Margie, I have to wonder if its truly her fault. Could it be the fault of her children? Did they change, get swept up in capitalism, forget their duty to care for their older parents? Shes too upset to ask her these questions. I ask her if shes like to take a stroll through the garden together, and we do. Older aged people need as much or even more care as any other individuals. It makes sense for the younger generation to remember the needs of their parents and older relatives, to help them and to provide them with care.However, it is also important for people in general to recognize that if they want their children to be around for them in their later years, then parents and need to form strong relationships with their c hildren, honorable and respectful relationships which can carry them throughout the span of time. Generativity in later years is marked by certificate in personal relationships. The successful and happy older individuals are the one who are now reaping the benefits of what they have planted. As Margie says, The birds all stick together in that one tree, and theyre happy.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
PEST Analysis Of AirAsias Essay
1.1Background stripAsia was station up by Dato Tony Fernandes in 2001. In December 2001, Fernandes and his partners stage up Tune Air Sdn Bhd (Tune Air), an airline holding company then bought over AirAsia. Now, AirAsia has become one of the most successful airlines in the Southeast Asian region and the pioneer of low live and no frills travel in Malaysia. The leading low f atomic total 18 airline in the Asia AirAsia has been expanding rapidly since 2001, to become an portray winning and the largest low cost carrier in Asia. With a fleet of 72 aircrafts, AirAsia flies to over 61 domestic and international destinations with 108 routes, and operates over four hundred public lifes daily from hubs located in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. To date, AirAsia has flown over 55 million guests across the region and continues to spread its wings to create more(prenominal) extensive route communicate through its associate companies, Thai AirAsia and Indonesia AirAsia.AirAsia believe s in the no-frills, hassle-free, low viands business concern concept and feels that keeping be low requires high efficiency in all(prenominal) part of the business. Efficiency creates savings which are then passed on to guests so that affordable air travel can become a rattlingity. Through our school of thought of Now Everyone Can Fly, AirAsia has sparked a revolution in air travel with more and more tribe around the region choosing AirAsia as their prefer choice of transport. As AirAsia continuously strives to promote air travel, we also check up onk to create excitement amongst our guests with our range of modernistic and personalized service.The condition of the investigationThe aim of this analysis is to conduct a PEST and SWOT analysis in the context of AirAsias international business operations, find outing the major variables involved and the impact of the becoming(postnominal) threats and opportunities confronted by AirAsia .Besides that, The purpose of this re port is to identify its stakeholders and core competencies, carry out a investigation of its external environment, review a strategic analysis of Airasia to identify opportunities and threats it might face, and to isolate key strengths and any weaknesses that need dealing with. Moreover a SWOT analysis leave behind be carried out to assess the extremity to which its strategies are suitable to what is happening in its present environment. Finally, afteridentifying competitive scheme a Strategic plan will be made to build competitive advantage.Chapter 2DISCUSSION2.1 Company OverviewAirAsia is currently one of the leading low cost airlines in South East Asia which has expanded rapidly and its still the second largest air carrier in Malaysia. It dynamic nature of business is establish on domestic and international flights, pass and business arrangements for its customers domesti pealy and internationally around the region with the low fare, safe and convenience means of transportat ion. ( visionTo be the largest low cost airline in Asia and destiny the 3 billion slew who are currently underserved with poor connectivity and high fares.AirAsias missionTo be the best company to work for whereby employees are treated as part of a big family Create a globally recognized ASEAN brandTo attain the lowest cost so that everyone can locomote with AirAsia Maintain the highest choice product, embracing technology to reduce cost and enhance service levelsAirAsias valueAirAsia direct the low fare model practical through the implementation of the following key strategiesSafetyFirstPartnering with the worlds most renowned maintenance providers and complying with the with world airline operations.High Aircraft UtilisationImplementing the regions fastest turnaround time at only 25 minutes, assuring lower cost and higher productivity.Low Fare, No FrillsProviding guests with the choice of customizing services without compromising on quality and ser vices. Streamline OperationsMaking sure that processes are as simple as possible.Lean Distrisolelyion SystemOffering a wide and innovative range of distribution channels to make booking and travelling easier.Point to Point NetworkApplying the point-to-point network keeps operations simple and costs, low.Products and Services mutilateered By Air AsiaIn-flight services Air Asia offer food and drinks on board programme . In-flight services customise meals and merchandise package upon request e.g. caps, T-shirts, and pants.Online services Online booking makes it more convenient for its customers to book online anywhere anytime. Flight information is available to help customers make enquiries on flight schedules arrival and departure time and date. Chatter flight Created for a group of people, business travellers for purposes like meetings, conventions, leisure or even exhibition.Channels of distributionA number of alternate channels of distribution whitethorn be availableSelling dir ect Outbound sales forcer Via mail order, Internet Telephone salesSelling indirect Agent, who typically sells direct on behalf of the producer Distributor (also called wholesaler), who sells to retailers Retailer (also called dealer or reseller), who sells to end customersSales and MarketingAirAsia is an international company, and going global invites a lot of rivalry. AirAsia has to deal with the competition of local companies in the same field- Airline services. Competition for AirAsia would also be en sideboarded in the virtual world-the internet. As they entered into the use of modern technology such as the public domain would invite competition on the global scale. Different localities and countries have different technological standards, and quality control policies, which AirAsia would have to adhere to, by adherence to these policies certain intended developments may be possible in certain communities but not acceptable in others.According to CEOs of the company, Mr. Fer nandez, there are a lot workers or low pay salaries earners who would like to travel often to meet their families especially during special occasions but due to how expensive it was that time, their desire are not fulfilled. By introducing a low fare will give all those people opportunity to travel if not more than once in a year. This enables them to identify their site trade. Reduced price salesis one of the basics of securing a target market for AirAsia. They reduce their price to suit their class of customersBrandingAirAsia went into intensive General advertisements and other high profile activities, which contributed to the high crack of their companys image. They came with a brand Now every one can fly These points of contact with their target customer help them to build their image, which in turn created loyalty from their customers. base Discounts and OffersDiscounts or other offers can help exposure business to innovative customers, resulting in a sales increase . Air Asia is a fineless Airline that allows customers to purchase their ticket online with at a discounted rate. They also have a scheme of group discount and this help to get more target market, especially internet based customers.2.2Core competenciesComputer Reservation System (CRS)AirAsias CRS (Open Skies by Navitaire) has helped it to grow at a dramatic pace in the past couple of years. Tony Fernandes, CEO AirAsia describe that Navitaires Open Skies technology has truly enabled Airasias ingathering from 2 million passengers to 7.7 million passengers in less than two years. Open Skies scaled slow to accommodate our growth. It is an integrated web-based reservation and inventory system. It includes Internet, call center, airport departure control and more. It is a direct sales engine that effectively eliminates the middleman (travel agents) and the sales commissions that need to be paid to them.Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP)AirAsia has recently (May 2005) opted for a full fledged ERP system implemented by Avanade consultants. By implementing this package AirAsia is looking to successfully maintain process integrity, reduce financial month-end closing processing times, and speed up reporting and data retrieval processes. egotism Check InWith the use of the crude self check in service a fast(a)er and more convenient way to check in using mobile phones, laptops etc, connecting to the internet. This system is easier and faster for customers and their family tocheck in at or before they get to the airport without having to queue up at the counter to check in.Air Asia credit cardAir Asia offers a choice of credit card facilities to fit in their customers travel life style be it business, leisure, training or holidays. With an Air Asia credit card a customer can purchase any goods or services while travelling anywhere in the world online.Go Holiday servicesAir Asia has a product called Go Holiday, with the help of E-commerce Air Asia is able to display t heir coverage maps, holiday resorts, first and average class hotels, car rental services, and activities in different countries with their different rates and prices on Air Asias web page.. Using E-commerce, customers are able to select and make a holiday and travel arrangement with a hotel of their choice and class, a pick up car and even medical services. And payments for all this can be done on the internet using credit cards or other online E-payment methods ahead of travel time.Foreign workers and Contractors strategyAirAsia also target most foreign workers from Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, China, Macau who may not afford the expensive flight home and offer them the cheap fare which attracted most of them as would go home very often without paying much.2.3 The CompetitorsCompanies in all industries have direct as well as indirect competitors. Direct competitors in the aviation industry are companies that offer flights to similar destinations on comparable terms of travel. Di rect competitors include Malaysia Airlines go flights in same routes .Singapore Airlines offering flights on same routes between London and Kuala Lumpur. Thai Air operating flights between Bangkok an Kuala Lumpur. Air Srilanka operating flights between Colombo and Bangkok. AirAsia are face strong competition with major international and national airlines on the market shares In contrast to other airlines ,AirAsia offers better value for money2.4Analysis of Environmental FactorsIn analyzing the macro-environment, it is important to identify the factors that might affect a number of vital variables that are likely to influence the organizations supply and demand levels and its costs (Kotter and Schlesinger 1991). The external environment of any organization can be analyzed by conducting a PEST analysis. The acronym PEST is used to describe a good example for the analysis of a range of macro environmental factors including the Political, Economical Social and Technological environm ent.PEST Analysis for AirAsiaPoliticalFlying outside Malaysia is difficult. Bilateral system is one of the main obstacles in the way of low cost carriers. Landing charges is also another big influencing factor on costing of low fare airlines. The low- cost airline industry in south-east Asia has been underdeveloped because the aviation market is tightly regulated by bilateral air rights agreements. Threat of terrorism, people is afraid to fly after the September 11 terrorist attacks incident.EconomicIn spite of strong competition from Malaysian Airline (MAS), AirAsias low-cost carriers offering cheap tickets and few in-flight services are gaining attraction in the region. Current recession hit the aviation business. But with this economy slowing carry out, more people will want to enjoy its cheap tickets. Oil prices is another regulatory factor for this type of airlines. If oil prices go high, it is very difficult to control cost of operation.SocialPassengers are reluctant to boar d a no-frills airline for a long-haul flight. Increasing worlds population, tourists and number of educated people utile for the growth of aviation industry. Outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) has scare people to fly. AirAsia commit to Safety First comply with all regulatory agencies, set and maintain consistently high standards ensure the security of staff and guests.TechnologyAirAsia provides online service that combines air ticketing with hotelbookings, car hire and travel insurance. To help keep costs in check, Air Asia has pushed internet booking services. AirAsia also recently put outd GO Holiday, the airlines online programme where guests can book holiday packages online in real time AirAsia has bought in A320 to replace Boeing 737. The Airbus A320s improved fuel efficiency and extra capacity which leads to better performance and reliability.SWOT analysis for AirAsiaStrengthsLow practicable and maintenance cost by having a single aircraft type fleet i .e. from Boeing 737 to Airbus A-320. Economy of scales benefits. Low operating cost due to being No Frill, online reservations system, quick check in etc. There is huge untapped market in the region, especially for business travellers and for-the-first-time-flying segment. As it is low cost airlines, it can target customers who are currently using non-aircraft modes like, Bus, Trains, car to travel to distances.WeaknessHuge investment to purchase air planes and implementing latest technologies there is high amount of practicable cost. Rising fuel price. Increased the operational cost.The flight times are more or less limited to 2.5 hours. So they cannot operate flights of longer continuance without any Frill, so No-Frill becomes impossible to implement for passengers.OpportunityLow fares offer by AirAsia has encourage people from all walks of life style to fly. Especially, during economy down turn. Airbus A320 would encourage greater passenger capacity and offer comfortable servic e to customers. Introduction of SMS booking allows customer to book their seat at anytime and anywhere. With the commitment in ensuring the security of staff and customers, customer will have more confident to fly via AirAsia.ThreatsThere are more no-frills airlines may take off in Asia to meet increasing consumer demand following the success story of Malaysias budget carrier AirAsia. Singapore Airlines plans to launch a budget carrier, they see the success of AirAsia. They know how big the market is and how good the opportunity is in Asia. Travelers may not choose AirAsia if they are totravel long distance flight. They will prefer airlines such as MAS or SIA which provide better services. Demand to fly decreased via terrorism and outbreak of the SARS.2.5 Marketing PlanCost advantages activitiesAirAsia already introduced cost advantages activities. Some of them describe below Utilising one type of aircraft (Boeing 737-300 which will be fully replaced with Airbus A320) results in red uction of maintenance cost (one of the major expenses in airline industry), scheduling cost, administrative cost, and inventory of parts. Creative and low-cost advertising significantly reduces marketing cost. On the other hand, AirAsia direct sales through internet, call centres, walk-in airport sales, and sales offices significantly reduce the commission fee to travel agents as AirAsia only charge its sales to limited travel agentsAirAsia assigned multi-skilled cabin crews (2-3crews/flight), cost-effective training, performance based reward and incentives systemsTarget MarketLow- income Customers and tourism segmentMalaysia emergence as a regional business and tourism hub has provided AirAsia plenty of room for growth and has fuelled regional air passenger traffic.Transit passengersKuala Lumpur is the operational hub for AirAsia, which is the best connection point between Europe and Asia/Australia has supported the growth of their business. AirAsia has been using this connection point to promote their business.2.6 Proposed Strategy for that expansion of AirAsiaExtending New RoutesExtending current services into juvenile-made markets may be helpful to further growth of this company. It is possible to achieve this strategy by launching existing services into new geographical area or new market segments. Adding new routes and destinations are possible especially there is growth Malaysia and East Asia tourism.Activities related to this strategyMarketing researchFeasibility StudyContract with hotels and tourist procedure at new destinationsFinding out strategic partnerMarketing new routes and destinationTime frame and costIt will take 1 to 2 years to start a new route and estimated cost around $200 million to new aircraft and for marketing cost. Organizational changeRecruiting new employeesArranging training for new employeesOpening new office in new destinationEvaluation criteriaNew destinations are implemented to achieve new market development. Flight numb er in new destination is the best way to measure result of this strategy.Private Suite for business customerIntroducing new services into existing markets implies product development. This strategy involves the development of fresh competencies and requires business to expand customized services which can apply to current markets. Thats why Emirate Airlines introduce high quality first class private lounges to attract business travelers.Activities related to this strategyTechnical and feasibility StudyAllocated budgetContract with a company to install new facility.Installation and modification of aircrafts onboard facilities Time frame and costIt will take 6 months to 1 year to transact installation new facilities in a single aircraft and estimated cost around $0.2 million to new aircraft and for marketing cost. Organizational changeRecruiting new employees to serve business customerContract with new or existing company for catering service for business customer. Evaluation criteri aQuantitative measurement of this product would be number of booking or occupancy.Chapter 3CONCLUSION3.1 ConclusionBy studying PEST, SWOT and marketing analysis, it could be said that AirAsiais situated in standard bout markets where it get competitive advantage for its business policy and strategy. Providing customers with superior products and services with low fare is synonymous to the AirAsia brand. However, it is necessary that Airasia should re-evaluate its strategies and focus on core values and competencies. For this why, AirAsia should reconsider their market and specific routes to obtain value other than price and survive the competition. From this study, it is possible to say that still there is some other woof to expand this company. Adding new route and introducing business class suite may be suitable option for AirAsia for further growth.3.2 RecommendationsTo remain leader in the market in serving customers, AirAsia has to re-evaluate their current strategy. Recommen dation for improvement can be outlined as follows AirAsia should make any major changes to their strategy after proper technical and feasibility study to vacate unnecessary risks. Oil price is a big factor to low fare airlines. So this company should make longer contracts with fuel suppliers for more stability As Airasia operates their fight very frequently, so they should have a spare aircraft at each location to avoid delays. AirAsia should consider environmentally friendly operation system as such as carbon offsetting to save environment.REFFERENCEDaniels, J. D. & Radebaugh, L. H. (1998), International Business Environments and Operations, 8th edition, Addison-Wesley, USA. Peng Mike W, 2006, world(a) Strategy, Thompson, United StatesPorter Michael E, 1998, Competitive Advantage, The Free Press, United States.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
University of California Personal Statement Prompt 1
I always have distorted the tone whenever Im asked from where I come from, knowing that the casual sound would not raise any curiosity or would not lead to another doubtfulness of why I am here. Mexico is the answer a beautiful country where I was born, where I was raised, and where my parents struggled to give me a life where I would not lack of anything, yet, I lost them as they tried to fight for this. A country filled with corruption, where there is more fear for an authority than a civilian, where there is a question whether you can do something for them in exchange.My parents had a different vision of what they wanted in life, their vision has shown me that you have to defend your principles regardless of how they are seen. I have lost contact with them due to the circumstances that they are in, I wish I could tell them how I really feel, how I am piece of writing a college application to the best universities in California, how through experience I have learned to appreciat e the actual community where I am present.In 2009, a tedious legal process of guardianship had the some regulations met that qualified me to go live with my legal beget my surroundings were against my placement and decision of leaving, but nether my circumstances and my perspective, I had to. I was told that I was leaving everything I knew behind and that the place and way where I was going to reside was insidious. The answer that I gave contained dustup of my principles that I defended which stated that I was not leaving everything behind but actually going forward with my future and vision of my life.I left with an idea, and now, that idea is a task that I will achieve, this task for me is meaningful and ulterior. I want to be a citizen that functions as a contributor to its society, I desire for a family that I never had, a stability where my future children would take me to their school for their show and tell, and they will think that their dad is an invincible person and the ir mom is the sweetest mother in the world.I can picture their euphoria when I attend to their high school graduation, I can hear myself saying Im idealistic of you, son with a fat check on my coat for them to go to whichever University they want to attend. As American history would define it, I am in pursuit of the American Dream, and the rewards are going to be limitless. I do not see anything as not existence possible, I am thankful for the opportunity that I am given as a student, grateful for the encouragement of my teachers and the security of this country. But above all, I am thankful for being taken into a process of admission that will determine my future.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Faith and Greer
As faith and Greer grow closer, trustfulness wants to know what Greer truly specifys. As Greer starts talking, she gives every last(predicate) these suggests which never felt like she could do, and someone actually listen. Tell me your impressions about what were doing here, faith said. Be honest. Dont worry about my ego. Im curious how it imaginems to you so far. (Wolitzer 201). The thing about activism is to she what you think is right and will help.Faith pressures Greer to speak her mind but in a good that will help the company rise. She want to makes sure that she does her severalize to Faiths grand venture. Greer want to experience the success that Faith does. Now that Faith tooken the suggests of Greer it, they both demonstrate the truths of activism. Greer realizes the she values her individualism more that sisterhood, she wants to ensure her own success, however though she would be keeping Zee from success, now that is little selfish.At this point Faith is reflecting back to the past, and she recalls supporting Greer over the years. Faith sees a hand of herself in Greer, they have reflected upon how they share a sense of disappointment in their parents and that is what has bond them together. Greer had been so bright and filled with experienceing, but beyond that she had also been maladjusted with her parents. Of course Faith had been reminded of being upset with her own parents at that age.Both sets of parents had held their daughters back, tied(p) as they loved them.(Wolitzer 442). Faith feels for what Greer had to go through, and now Faith wants to see Greer be successful. Faith can see Greers potential as an activist, a feminist, and a leader. Faith is using her power to help other women find their own. Greer and Faith are a lot alike and they deeply bond over that, beca theatrical role of that demonstration of the disappointment of both their parents.When Faith talks to Greer about the mentorship program, Greer tells Faith that it does non exist. So Faith asks if the rescue was at least real and Greer responses that yes it was. Faiths realization that the mentorship program was not real made her wonder what was actually going on at the ShraderCapital. Exactly what isnt true? Greer managed to say. The whole thing? The rescue was real. The security group apparently went in and saved those girls. Well, good. Thats a relief. But the mentor share never happened. They just pretend it did. (Wolitzer 464).The whole thing is messed up what they are doing is wrong, but Faith is so caught up in being preoccupied with the publics wisdom of her than in make sure that everything in her organization is running smoothly. Although Faith would have lived with ignoring the whole situation and now even though she knows what is going on Faith is not planning to take any action. Knowing Faith that is just not how she does things, but she seem that she just have no judgement of how to handle it.Now Faith has confronted Emmett Shrade r which has been long overdue. Emmett have not a very good excuse of the whole thing. So the mentor program right well(p)y doesnt exist? He paused, thrown, trying to be careful. It was supposed to have existed, he tested. We had every intention. Does that count for anything? (Wolitzer 523). Emmett had totally ignored the thing of the mentorship program as salutary of the severity of Faiths struggle.Faith couldnt afford to tune out of her own biography, and she could afford to make mistakes. Where Emmet just goes through life with not a sentiment to what consequences his actions could have. This just shows the contrast among the power of men and women. Although Emmett had claimed to of had a hazy memory of what was actually discussed that day of what happened to the mentorship program. What he actually remembers shows his total lack of lodge in in an important contribution of time, and resources. Emmett is clearly not an activist and putting his name on an activist company has definitely not made him a break in feminist or a better member of the community.Even though the severity of the situation or even perhaps, because of it Emmett didnt think that it was important teeming to solve the Ecuador crisis. I should have listened better in that meeting, and I shouldnt have let them switch out that woman you liked, and I should have shut galvanic pile the fund and announced the whole thing publicly. (Wolitzer 550)Emmett now longing for the simpler times of the earlier days of Loci of when he connected with Faith Frank with any of the modify of this sandal between them. Though Emmett doesnt remember what happened, he knew that there were strings being pulled and people were urged to keep the truth of the whole thing quiet. During that time he tried to convince himself that he was doing the right things to make Faith happy even when it was a bad situation by keeping the money for Faith to use on another project.The realization sets in that Faith Frank is an activist and mentor a lot of reasons. Some were more selfish than others, but Faith felt rewarded and loved by receiving gifts and notes from people she had mentored. Dear Faith, This book was my favorite when I was a little girl, and I wanted you to have it. Love, Denise Manguso (from that dinner in Chicago) (Wolitzer 555). Her importance has been threatened many time throughout the year, but it is her fans that keep her going not her work, and that keep her in the world.That is Faiths rensurence that she will remain love and relevant as she once was at the start of her career. Although Emmett had messed up, he feels awful about how things went between him and Faith. He realizes that things havent been all that bad and that he has given Faith that greatest gift of all, and influential platform. He has done perhaps more of the work than anyone else in Faiths life.Greer is now at a point in her life where her career has taken off, her career is almost a direct mirror of Faiths. Toni ght they were celebrating the fact that Greer Kadetskys book Outside Voices had just spent one full year on the bestseller list. (Wolitzer 602). Greer finally got the success she has been looking for. Greer has manifested so much attention, but she still gets criticized and often publicly.She gets criticized for her privileged idealism and inattention to worse issues that vitrine the modern of feminism. It seems like Greer gets the same kind of adoration, attention, and praise as Faith Frank once did. This fills Greer with a sense of personal fortitude and socio political power. This all of what Greer wanted she worked hard for it and success found its way to her.Now that Greer is marry to Cory, has a baby named Emilia, and a babysitter name Kay. Greer finds that she sees a lot of herself in Kay, it seems that she sees a similar dynamic blossoming between her and Kay, like what she once had with Faith. I want you to know I think youre great, Greer. I totally do.My friends and I hav e read all your book and theyre impressed that I sit for you, said benevolently (Wolitzer 607). Although Kay is unlike the shy Greer who was willing to change her personality and opinions to better align with Faith. Kay has her own independent thoughts about feminism and is not afraid to express herself. With that Greer often wishes that she could contact her former mentor, but with things that ended badly between them.But lately, Greer had been wishing she could say something different to Faith. (Wolitzer 623). Greer still deeply admires Faith, and with the realization that her hero was just an ordinary person like the rest of us with flaws too. Greer realizes that even with the complicated or with the moments that were upsetting with Faith were ultimately a service of goodness and advancement. Greers ability to be grateful for the way Faith had called her out on things has shown Greer that she has matured considerably and is able to see her past mistake a lot more cleary .Greer no w wonders if Kay will one day take her stern as the mentor, that Kay will be the mentor to her daughter Emila. Who is going to replace me? She though, shocked at first at the idea, and the finding it kind of funny, and relaxing into it. (Wolitzer 624). By wondering, Greer wonders if she will slowly out live them all, Greer shows that the power dynamics and politics are constantly shifting.Impling that even as Greer has risen to fame, she will always feel a deep sense of loss for Faith. The cycle continues of mentors, because it is destined to repeat it, with Greers daughter Emilia most likely to be mentor by Kay.
The Importance of Math Skills In Manufacturing
The importance of numerical skills is extremely evident in the field of manufacturing. In many cases, Jobs in manufacturing revolve close to math and the skills that come along with It. Often the success of manufactured products depend on the correctness of several different fields of math that are employ in the processes that take place in a plant. The financial success of a manufacturer can also often depend on mathematical skills.Between the quality of products and their production prices and all that goes along with creating a product, math is the center piece of manufacturing. In manufacturing, the quality of the products produced Is one aspect that really depends upon math. This is because measurements taken must(prenominal) be precisely taken or the product may be defective. Also calculations of quantities of something needing to be do have to be exact.This Is where the amount of profit made depends on mathematical skills, because if too much or to little of something is made It will hurt the profits made by that specific good. Because of this, whoever Is In raze of quantity in production must be good with taking in previous data and estimating hats needed. Often times skills with conversions are also indispensable because of the diversity of measurements that could field, which is very common, one must have be knowledgeable with decimals, because often very small measurements are utilise along with the machines preciseness.Throughout the field of manufacturing, mathematical knowledge is an essential skill to have. It is crucial to be good with numbers and measurements if one wants to succeed in manufacturing. This comes into play throughout the field of manufacturing, because math is used so often in so many different instances for many different reasons during the process of The quality of the products produced rests on the correct measurements and calculations of what needs to cut or aligned or whatever the the case is.The prices of these prod ucts also often depends on math, because the right amount of goods have to be estimated or the price can be drastically affected, which can in turn have large affects on profits of the manufacturer. Truly, math skills will either make or break mortal in the field of manufacturing, because it is so important to most Jobs in the field.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Spontaneous Consumer
The impacts on Spontaneous Consumer have resulted in the trend on Auckland Theatre Company. Impacts much(prenominal) as raising demands in the gross revenue of tickets at the stand firm minute. As inferred from the case study, on average, 25-30 per penny of a season is booked in advance by subscribes. This whitethorn create loss of sales revenue from the contingent group of Spontaneous Consumers. However, Auckland Theatre Company may extend their registration dates to run to this particular groups needs.Extended registration dates such(prenominal) as having two sessions. First session registration dates to be launch earlier in the calendar month, second session registration dates to be launch end of the month to cater to busy consumer who are not able to make it for the first launch dates. Other impacts such as disputes consumers may derive from the spontaneous consumers. The in mogul to purchase a ticket to the play ascribable last minute decision may result in silly customer experiences and thus poor customer retention.As inferred from the case study, Part of the reason for the success of Auckland Theatre Company lies in the companys ability to recognize and address the safety, social, ego and self-actualization of the consumers. The inability to purchase a ticket to the play due last minute decision may also result in the lack of ego needs toward consumers. In addition to minimize the negative impacts on Auckland Theatre Company.Auckland Theatre Company can accommodate to this particular group of spontaneous consumer by using the power of marketing strategic to enhance attractive progression such as early bird promotion to attract spontaneous consumers to purchase their tickets in an earlier timings. This may help to increase the impulse of spontaneous consumers and influence their buying decision through marketing strategic and also help generate revenues for their company.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Two Hotels
What Is the overlap amidst operations, marketing and product/service development at Acme Whistles? The simple answer to this question Is, T here Is a rattling signifi dealt overlap between these functions. The underlying question is Why? Partly, the reason is size. As Simon Ottoman says in the example, small companies washbowlnot afford medical specialist functions so at a managerial level every atomic number 53 does everything to some extent. This becomes especially true when the boss of the conjunction Is withal the owner, It Is literally his own m unrivalledy that Is being spent when creating any new managerial oleos.Partly also the tradition and competitive stance of the keep company has an influence. This is a company that competes on quality and innovation. Both these things hope on in diversenessal communications within the government activity and a fast moving, agile ability to tab and Implement new Ideas. Oxford 1 What atomic number 18 the chief(prenominal) issue s facing Sofas operations managers? Broadly, Oxford will have the analogous issues as any other operation. They must(prenominal) define their strategic objectives, blueprint divert processes that deliver appropriate services, plan and intro those processes, and continually conform and improve how they deliver their services.But they also have some oddly difficult challenges because of their status as an emergency and caring organization. They must come through with(predicate) a global service. By deflation, Sofas scope of operations Is global. Anywhere a disaster Is likely to strike could receive the attention of the charity. However, overmuch of Sofas work Is not concerned with the high profile disaster relief side of its business, but or else the ongoing community development projects it undertakes. Most of these projects will e in the poorer, less developed separate of the world.The Implication of this is that, from an operations point of view, services must be deliver ed without an assumed level of infrastructural support. The ability to adapt development methodologies to such circumstances would be a key operations task. Another aspect of globalization for Oxford concerns the coordination of expertise. Experts, either in development or disaster relief, may be located anywhere In the world. The task of understanding and coordinating this pool of potential help must be a study operations task. It will rely on maintaining a database of expertise and on the ability to deploy it, sometimes at short notice.They must be environmentally ethical. To Oxford, the concept of environmental management must be tackled at two levels. The most obvious one Is that environmental awareness is an output from the charity operations. In other words, environmental management, to some extent, is one of the operations products. It will engage in lobbying governments and non-governmental agencies to achieve Its alms of greater environmental sustainability. However, at t hat place Is also another related Issue. Sofas operations themselves must also be environmentally sound.Agricultural projects, for example, must be managed to ensure that there is 1 OFF local pressures to do so. They must be socially responsible. Again, this is one of those issues, which is both an output from the operation and an objective for the focusing it runs its own operations. A key issue here must be the way in which the on the ground managers of development projects tackle some of the particularly naked as a jaybird cultural issues. For example, gender issues are one of Sofas campaigning points forever, appropriate gender roles are seen in very varied ways in different parts of the world.Pursuing its own ends in terms of, say girls education, must be balanced against traditional ideas of womens role. Whereas this difficulty may be relatively straightforward to reconcile at a strategic level back in the charity Oxford headquarters, its success depends on how local operat ions managers deal with the issue at a sidereal day-to-day level. Prt A gutter What are the advantages and disadvantages of Prt A public treasury organizing itself so that the individual shops make the sandwiches that they sell? There are a number of advantages in this symbol of organization. The load on the faculty in the shop is equalized throughout the day.The demand from customers for purchasing the sandwiches occurs mainly in the middle of the day. If the staff only sold sandwiches, they would be busy in the middle part of the day and unoccupied at other times. The way Prt a Manger organize their processes, the staff can immerse themselves making sandwiches in the early part of the day, then, as the day progresses, staff will progressively race from making to selling. As demand then reduces towards the end f the day, staff will move onto public cleaning and tidying activities as well as making ready for the same cycle of activities to repeat itself the attached day.The re is clear and direct responsibility for quality, customer service and cost. If there are any problems with quality and availability of sandwiches, it is the same staff who caused the problems who receive customer complaints (In fact, Prt a Manger get very few complaints). Similarly, the forte of cost control can be clearly associated with the staff in the shop. It is a more raise Job that has a number of different activities (making, selling, cleaning, etc. ) than one where an individual will specialize in Just one of these tasks.It is easier to engender a sense of pride in the high quality and solid nature of the products when they are made on the premises. It should be pointed out that there also disadvantages. The main one is that the cost of making sandwiches in a sandwich factory (the way the vast majority of sandwiches are made) is very significantly cheaper because of the higher volume. How can effective operations management at Prt A Manger contribute significantly to its success? And what would the consequences of poor operations management be in this kind of organization?By developing a culture within each store that takes pride in the products themselves, the way they are made and the way customers are served. By listening to customers so that customers reactions and comments can inform the design of new products. By not wasting materials through poor control, which would increase the cost of running the operation. By developing a sense of fun as well as a sense of committedness in the staff so that customers sense a friendly and laced atmosphere. Two very different hotels in delivering an appropriate level of service?For Formula 1, technology is harnessed in the manufacture of the gathered bed manner units in the factory prior to assembly on the site. Because of the standardization, conventional factory automation can be used to some extent. More obviously, during the running of normal operations at the hotel, technology, in the form of th e automatic rifle booking in machine at the door, allows the hotel to remain open even while it is unstained for much of the day. This saves wear down. Similarly, labor is saved by the use of automatic cleaning in the wash directions.This also ensures that high standards of cleanliness are maintain throughout the day, even when the hotel is not staffed. Although not mentioned in the text, Formula 1 hotels also have automatic drinks and snack dispensers, which would allow guests to stave off hunger and thirst even though the hotel does not provide food in a conventional restaurant setting. At the Magus Safari guild, very little technology is used. The attraction of the hotel lies in its location and in how their staff treat the guests.Staff must not only be informative and courteous, they will also need to protect and reassure those guests who are anxious in their environs and create a sense of adventure (but not too much adventure). 2 What are the main differences in the operat ions management challenges facing the two hotels? The main difference is the degree of standardization in the operations processes. For Formula 1, the main use of standardization is in the manufacture of the individual room units. All room units are exactly the same size. Because they all have the same fitting, these fittings can be artsy installed at the factory.This allows the company to buy furniture, curtains, and carpets in high volumes, keeping costs down. The standardized nature of the units also allows the hotel to be constructed cursorily (which itself saves costs) using standardized methods of construction that are cheaper than building entirely different hotels at each site. calibration of rooms also allows a standardized procedure to be adopted for cleaning and maintenance, so staff can be easily trained using a standardized training package. Finally, standardization of the room units, radically, allows all Formula 1 hotels to adapt to the geography of the site.By putti ng the standard units together, like childrens building blocks, they can use unusually shaped pieces of land, which tend to be cheaper than regularly shaped sites. By contrast, the Magus Safari Lodge provides experiences customized for every visitors requirements and abilities. Also, the Magus Safari Lodge must be able to cope with fluctuations in demand through the year. However, Formula 1 try to choose locations that capture the business traveler market during the week and vacuous travelers at the weekend.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn Acknowledgments
As always, an oceanic of thanks toMy awesome family, for all their incomparable love and support.My talented and hawt publicist, Elizabeth Eulberg, for creating STEPHENIE MEYER out of the raw clay that was in one case just a mousy Steph.The whole team at Little, Brown Books for Young Readers for five years of enthusiasm, faith, support, and incredibly hard work.All the amazing site creators and administrators in the Twilight Saga online fandom you people astound me with your coolness.My brilliant, better-looking fans, with your unparalleled good taste in books, music, and movies, for continuing to love me more than I deserve.The bookstores who have make this series a hit with their recommendations all authors are indebted to you for your love of and passion for literature. The many bands and musicians that economize me motivated did I mention Muse already? I did? Too bad.Muse, Muse, MuseNew gratitude toThe outperform band-that-never-was Nic and the Jens, featuring Shelly C. (Nic ole Driggs, Jennifer Hancock, Jennifer Longman, and Shelly Colvin). Thanks for taking me under your collective wing, guys. I would be a shut-in without you.My long-distance pals and fonts of sanity, cool Meghan Hibbett and Kimberly Shazzer Suchy.My peer support, Shannon Hale, for understanding everything, and for feeding my love of zombie humor.Makenna Jewell Lewis for the use of her name, and her mother, Heather, for her support of the Arizona Ballet.The new guys on my writing inspiration playlist Interpol, Motion City Soundtrack, and Spoon.The phenomenon continues. . . .STEPHENIE MEYER
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Neuropharmacology and gender
There is a growing interest in examining releases in pharmacological solvents among disparate grammatical sexual practices. This gender- cogitate discrepancy in the administration of pharmaceutical doses has checkd that success of the word of specific medical disorders. Several search investigations withstand been conducted in the last ten years in order to better understand every underlying gender-related mechanisms that influence doers related to particular diseases. The factors that atomic number 18 swayed by gender imply prevalence, disease symptoms, style of the patient during treatment and reaction to pharmacological treatment.Several analyses take a leak suggested that gender-related differences in pharmacology induce different levels of sensitivity to dose medications. In the field of neuropharmacology, a large number of pharmaceuticals have already been reported to outlaw(a) gender-related differences in the reaction and response to specific neuropharmacolo gic reagents. The differences include delayed reaction time or however a take downed sensitivity to the administered drug. The opposite scenario has in like manner been sight with other medications, wherein a specific gender is much responsive to the drug treatment due to the elevated sensitivity to the medication. It has also been suggested that gonadal horm whizzs may play a role in the reaction of specific genders to particular drugs.Pharmacological research has recently rivet on determining the factors that influence the effects of prescription drugs on the treatment of neurological disorders. One factor that has been of nifty concern is gender. There argon critical differences based on sex that have been refractory to influence neurological disease prevalence. In addition, gender has also swayed the presentation of symptoms among patients as thoroughly as the behavior of the patient himself in name of seeking treatment. some other influence of gender-based neuroph armacological treatment is the response of the patient to mind-expanding medication. It has been observed that fe staminates tend to undergo a less serious course of schizophrenic psychosis than manlys. This condition is characterized by less frequent negative symptoms and a great chance for the fe anthropoids to adapt to her social environment. Females have also been determined to response red-hot to an administered low dose of antipsychotic drug regimen, hence resulting in less cases of hospital admissions and hospitalization.It has been estimated that approximately 5% of all hospital cases are due to adverse drug reactions. This significant number of death due to adverse drug reactions thus makes it essential to identify the factors that are strongly associated with endangerment management. Case studies have expressn that the increasing age of a patient poses a high risk for adverse drug reactions. In addition, the employment of several pharmaceutical drugs at the same time influences a patient to experience adverse drug reactions. Liver and kidney diseases are also correlated with adverse drug reactions. Interestingly, gender has also been determined to be a factor for adverse drug reactions, wherein egg-producing(prenominal)s are more prone to experience such deleterious slope effects.The main mechanism behind the connection amid gender and adverse drug reactions still remains unclear but it has been suggested that pharmacological concepts play a major role in this reaction. Pharmacokinetics or the dynamics of drug interactions in the human body is one of the areas of pharmacology that integrates the aspect of gender-related differences (Meibohm et al., 2002). The concept of pharmacogenetics or the inter-individual differences in drug response also provides some soma of influence of gender-related pharmacological issues. Hormonal factors have also been suggested to cause some effect of the response of different genders to pharmacological re agents.Classical pharmacological studies have more often than not under-represented effeminates in clinical trials for neuropharmacological drugs and this has resulted in an insufficiency of information with regards to any(prenominal) gender differences in drug efficiency and side effects (Aichhorn et al., 2005). The major reason behind the under-representation of female persons in clinical trials is that in that respect is a general fear that the drug being tested may be a potential teratogen which may cause mutations and eventually cancer to females.The fear is also associated in generating manifestation that may carry multiple congenital anomalies due to the exposure of a neuropharmacological drug that is still being investigated. Today, the principles of registration of a new drug require more stringent criteria for approval for clinical trials. Amongst the requirements are the guidelines that indicate the need for gender-specific testing.Both males and females should thus participate in a clinical trial, with equal numbers of females and males in the entire study population so that bias can be avoided. In addition to sex-matching in clinical trials, each gender is age-matched, meaning that every age group within the female sept of participants should have an equivalent male of the same age group. The new guidelines with regards to registration of a new drug have thus facilitated the inclusion of females in clinical trials.One neuropharmacological drug that has been extensively studied in terms of pharmacokinetics and pharmacogenetics are the second generation anti-psychotic drugs. Clinical investigations have reported that different anti-psychotic drugs have different efficacies. In turn, there anti-psychotic drugs also exert variable side effects among the patients that have been administered with this drug. Anti-psychotics are generally assumption to patients suffering from schizophrenic psychosis and bipolar or manic-depressive disorders.Othe r mental health illnesses that are associated with the use of anti-psychotic drugs include dementia, delirium, depression and autism. Anti-psychotics drugs are prescribed to the patient in order to control any untoward behavior that the patient may perform in the near in store(predicate), such as aggression, violence and suicide. These drugs are rough-and-ready enough in lowering the chances of performing these untoward actions without affecting their normal motor functions, yet there are particular side effects that have been noted in relation to the use of anti-psychotic drugs.One side effect is weight gain which is determined by the increase in weight as well as the change in body mass index of the patient. Abnormalities in glucose and lipid metabolic pathways are also affected by the intake of anti-psychotic drugs. There have also been reports with regards to side effects related to cardiac and sexual functioning of the patient. Gender-based differences in side effects have be en implicated to these observations.For the case of schizophrenic psychosis, gender-related differences have been observed in relation to the cumulative lifetime risk. The initial expectation for the risk of schizophrenia among males and females was classically determined to be the same. However, there is an accumulation of clinical reports that show that males generally experience schizophrenia at a younger age than females.There is an average difference of 3 to 5 years between males and females with schizophrenia. more(prenominal) importantly, this gender-related difference also affects the patients behavior in terms of seeking medical attention. Negative symptoms associated with schizophrenia have also been observed to be higher frequency among males. The prevalence of cognitive deficiencies has een reported to be greater among males. Any related structural brain and neurophysiological dysfunctions and abnormalities are also more frequent among male schizophrenia patients than among female schizophrenia patients.Oppositely, female schizophrenia patients have been reported to more frequently show affective symptoms related to this psychological disorder. Females are also more prone to experience auditory hallucinations as well as delusions that result in self-persecution. However, it is interesting to know that females respond to anti-psychotic medications at a express rate than male patients. This quick response, unfortunately, is strongly correlated to more severe drug-related side effects. Clinicians have observed that the course of schizophrenia is less destructive among female patients. Also, female schizophrenia patients are associated to fewer incidents with sens and substance abuse, unlike male patients who generally perform both heavy smoking and drug and inebriant abuse during their entire illness.The gender-related issues that were observed with schizophrenia are strongly associated to neuroanatomic sexual differences among males and females. For example, research has shown that the temporolimbic abnormalities are present among male schizophrenia patients. These abnormalities involve a significant change in the volume of the left-hand(a) temporal lobe of male schizophrenia patients. The volume was observed to be much smaller as compared to the left temporal lobe of female schizophrenia patients. Comparison of the volume of the left temporal lobes of schizophrenia patients with that of normal thinking(a) individuals has shown that the volume of the left temporal lobe of female schizophrenia patients is the same as that of normal healthy males and females.Another difference that relates to gender differences and neuropharmacology is the variation in the volume of the grey matter of the brain. It has been reported that male schizophrenia patients showed a significant decrease in the volume of their grey matter (Leung and Chue, 2000). On the other hand, female schizophrenia patients show a smaller volume in their hippoca mpal region, while the volume of their amygdala had increased. Magnetic sonorousness imaging studies have indicated that male and female schizophrenia patients show great differences in the volume of their lead callosum.The differences in volume of several regions of the brain among male and female schizophrenia patients may possibly influence the variations in response to pharmacological treatment of schizophrenia. Initial pharmacological studies with regards to psychopharmaceuticals mainly focuse on the treatment of the disorder itself and gender differences were not investigated until a significant number of cases reports were issued describing specific adverse drug reactions to anti-psychotic drugs. It has been generally observed that female schizophrenia patients improve at a faster rate than their counterpart male schizophrenia patients. This positive response, unfortunately, is coupled with the occurrence of extrapyramidal symptoms among female schizophrenia patients.Aside from gender differences in neuropharmacological treatment, differences among female schizophrenia patients have also been observed. Research investigations have observed that pre-menopausal female schizophrenia patients show a faster and better response to pharmacological treatment than post-menopausal female schizophrenia patients. This observation suggests that female younger than 40 years old except need a minimal amount of anti-psychotic pharmacological treatment than male schizophrenia patients. This pharmacological treatment advantage is lost when the female schizophrenia patient is above 40 years of age.Differences in neuropharmacological treatment response, clinical course and treatment outcome among males and females may also be due to variations in the cerebrum. An example that could be employed to this notion is that the volume of the caudate nucleus changes everyplace time afterward treatment of the patient with anti-psychotic drugs. These changes in volume of the cau date nucleus are also influenced by the gender of the schizophrenia patient. In terms of male schizophrenia patients, treatment with neuropharmacologic reagents generally results in an increase in the volume of the caudate nucleus. On the other hand, this volume was observed to increase among female schizophrenia patients after treatment with anti-psychotic drugs.It should be noted that not all components of the brain show gender-related differences in terms of neurological disorders and neuropharmacological treatment and response. The striatal dopamine D2 receptor binding activity among male and female schizophrenia patients were determined to be the same, suggesting that the left striatus of both male and female schizophrenia patients are similar originally and after neuropharmacological treatment for schizophrenia.Cognitive functions have also been observed to be different among male and female schizophrenia patients. It is a common observation that male schizophrenia patients p erform in a poorer fashion than female schizophrenia patients. Other research groups have observed the opposite result, wherein female schizophrenia patients showed a lower degree of performance in cognitive functions.One explanation for such variations among genders is that some particular research groups only reported these differences as a side-observation while conducting an investigation that focus on another aspect of neuropharmacological research. It would thus be more reliable if a research study was performed solely in identifying gender-related differences associated with neurological disorders and their response to pharmacological treatment. It has been postulated that the discrepancies among male and female schizophrenia patients may eventually lead to major variations in the cognitive functions of males and females.It is therefore imperative that gender differences be comprehensively analyzed in terms of cognitive functions. Another interesting research would involve dr ug responses among males and females of different neurological disorders. There is also a great need to determine whether there exists a difference between males and females in terms of neurocognitive outcome after pharmacologic treatment for a neurological disorder.There is also a need to examine differences between gender and ethnicity in terms of neurological disorders, treatment and response. Case reports have described that African-American male and female patients diagnosed with psychoses showed a unique neurological profile and treatment response from that of the general human population. This observation resulted in a faster rate for hospital discharge after administration of a relatively higher dose of anti-psychotic pharmaceutical drug.The comprehensive investigation of gender-related differences among neuropharmacological treatments would provide a better understanding of the pharmacokinetics of drugs. In addition, future research efforts on this area would also provide m ore information that may be used in designing safe, effective and personalized drug treatment plans for patients suffering from neurological disorders.ReferenceAichhorn W, Gasser M, Weiss EM, Adlassnig C and Marksteiner J (2005) Gender differences in pharmacokinetics and side effects of second generation antipsychotic drugs. Current Neuropharmacology 373-85.Leung A and Chue P (2000) Sex differences in schizophrenia, a review of the literature. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Suppl. 4013-38.Meibohm B, Beierle I and Derendorf H (2002) How important are gender differences in pharmacokinetics? Clinical Pharmacokinetics 41329-342.
Friday, May 17, 2019
How do emotional, creative and pessimistic learning styles affect critical thinking? Essay
fine thinking has a tendency to be thought of as a cold, dispassionate endeavor that rewards objectivism in the name of ultimate truths and facts. However, the rise of cultural pedagogy and critical surmise tracks in higher education has created a new system for inquiry that favors a subjective recital specifically located in its relevant context. This brief essay will outline how emotional, creative and negative nurture styles affect critical thinking.According to the University of Michigans Problem Solving page for Critical Thinking, there are four keys to developing critical thinking Identifying and challenging assumptions, recognizing the importance of context, imagining and exploring alternatives and developing meditative skepticism (Critical). Although all types of learners utilize all four, emotional learners prioritize identifying and challenging assumptions, creative learners emphasize imagining and exploring alternatives, musical composition pessimistic learners tend to value the development of reflective skepticism (Learning).Critical thinking skills need to be cultivated and encouraged by educators according to each students particular learning style. No two students are alike and many times students change which type of approach they undertake depending upon the bother (Felder). Critical thinking is a vital component in creating thoughtful and inquisitive students and students need their learning style to fit into this equation. Works Cited Critical Thinking. (2009). The University of Michigan.Retrieved 12 February 2009 from http//www. engin. umich. edu/problemsolving/strategy/crthink. htm Felder, Richard and Rebecca Brent. Understanding Student Differences. (2005). Journal of engine room Education. Retrieved 12 February 2009 from http//www4. ncsu. edu/unity/lockers/users/f/felder/public/Papers/Understanding_Differences. pdf Treuer, Paul. Learning Styles. (2006). The University of Minnesota Duluth. Retrieved 12 February 2009 from http//ww w. d. umn. edu/kmc/student/ underwater diver/acad/strat/lrnsty. html
Thursday, May 16, 2019
English skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
English skills - Es severalize Exampleudying abroad, a lot of students be able to develop optimistic attitudes to other countries, as they are able to interact with other persons, and hold dear their way of living through research.An exposure to inter national experience is useful as it allows for multinational understanding. Crossman and Clarke (2009) say that workings or studying abroad allows individuals have knowledge and awareness on the issues that relate to national and global issues. The benefit of global experience is in this case, one that allows individuals become accustomed, solve and expand their heathenish scope of analysing issues.Through working and studying abroad, it is palpable that intercultural competence will be attained. Crossman and Clarke (2009) are of the discernment that having a touch with the international world allows for intercultural know-how. This competence relates to an ability to communicate well in non-homogeneous cultural contexts, as opp osed to the usual native or indigenous context. Through the international curriculums forwardness for the training institutions require an application of a singular language for all the various participants from the different contexts (Crossman and Clarke, 2009). complete learning is then achieved, as the diverse persons are able to comprehend the need of being a people as opposed to one cultural community.However, it is vital to none that attaining global competence is not only focused on the physical presence in countries in the abroad countries, but through other means like developing contacts with other individuals in these countries (Crossman and Clarke, 2009). With peer to peer education happy in numerous instances, Crossman and Clarke (2009) would not be wrong to argue that studying and working abroad allows for international patriotism, especially with individuals being more open minded with issues touching on international significance.Conclusively, it is warranted to s ay that working and studying abroad have a myriad of
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Business Research Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business look Report - Essay ExampleThe amount of profit earned will be determined by the amount of money paid by customers for baked goods subtracted from the amount of money spent on acquire the products. The profit depends on what is baked and how much is charged for baked goods.Several obstacles come along the constitution of such business as bakery. One of them is the lack of funds to purchase the taked equipments for this work. This is because some products require special equipments, for example, baking of wedding cakes. Baking of breads also requires slicing machines that ar expensive hence a lack of enough funds is a major obstacle to the business.The other obstacle to a successful bakery business is that at that place has been a problem in the number of qualified personnel, in bakeries. These are the trained bakery technologists. This has lead to slowed development in the bakery industry. This has been a major obstacle because there is no growth in the food and bever age industry since no new products are introduced in the market. There have been several business partners in the bakery businesses. This is some of those who have careers in foods. round of those who had successful businesses include the following AB Mauri bakery AMOUN PITA NATURAL BAKERS ARCHWAY COOKIES Achatz Handmade Pie troupe Al Dente Pasta, Inc. Aladdin Bakers Albuquerque Tortilla Alessi Bakeries Alpha Baking Co. Alpine Valley Bread Alvarado Street bakery American Italian Pasta Co. Amorosos Baking Co. Annie Pies Gourmet Bakery Artuso Pastry Foods Corp. Athens Pastries, Inc. Atticus LLC dba Chabaso Bakery Aunt Millies Bakeries Blackhawk Bakery Bloomfield Bakers Blue Bonnet Bakery BoDeans Baking Co. Cereal Food Processors Inc. Cereal Ingredients IncChattanooga Bakery Inc/Moon Pie Cheksea mill Group Cheryl & Co. Gourmet Cookies Claxton Bakery Inc. Clydes Delicious Donuts Collin Street Bakery Consolidated Biscuit Co. Deerfields Delice European Bakery Delicias
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
United states Today Economic Situation and its Credibility around the Essay
unite states Today Economic Situation and its Credibility around the world - Essay ExampleHowever, while construe the comments section of every online news report, I realized that it was not save Americans who were keeping themselves informed of the in vogue(p) developments on the matter but likewise foreigners as well. Aside from this, I also read several(prenominal)(prenominal) news reports in which officials from different countries also expressed views on the subject. As I encountered more of such(prenominal) articles, I began to realize that the highs and lows of the American economy do have profound impacts on other countries. Because of this, it is entirely expected that they have their own views of current economic conditions of the US. It is also app bent that while the US boasts of quiet being the most powerful nation on Earth, the cracks on its walls have shown and grown worse through the years as its economy continues to remain in deep crisis. This can be observ ed by the international community who could only express negative opinions on the matter. For more than a century, the US has bulky held the title as a dominant global superpower. The two most compelling factors regarding this matter are its economic superiority and force fortissimo. In the 1900s, US dominance was ostensibly challenged by the Soviet Union. It was afterward World War II that the contest between the two superpowers became more intense. However, the Soviet economy was not match to that of the US. Apparently, while the Soviets continued to espouse a closed-door socialist economy, America was extending it market on a global scale. I find this action not as a reflection of the beneficence or generosity of the countrys big business but simply a run of the drive to accumulate more profits from less saturated markets abroad. To some extent, the economic superiority of the US then had managed to scale down the impression that it too was trying to dominate the world with its military strength just as the Soviets did. From my point of view, this prompted the development of the concept that economic relations with America make other nations richer too even as it is also making infractions on the sovereignty of other countries through military intervention. When a superpower lavishes a poor country with imported products, it could hardly be considered as a bully by the people. This was definitely not the case with the Soviet Union, which only focused on asseverate military superiority. The current economic crisis that the US is facing has proven to be disastrous not just to the average American citizens but also to many other countries in the world. This is naturally the result of several decades of dominance also of the country in the sphere of international trade and global economy, in general. through all those years, especially after the World War II until recently, the US is a major concern partner of a good number of economically more backwar d countries. These had established relations with the US as their largest market of raw materials and, at the same time, supplier of capital goods and other high-value added finished products. With the crisis besetting the US economy though, it has become a less attractive market from the perspective of those countries that export their raw materials to it. Apparently, the crisis has also led to slower production of capital goods and finished products in the US, while countries like China and India are showing successes in coming up with commodities that are competing with those it had been manufacturing. If I were to be the an
Monday, May 13, 2019
Budget proposal Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Budget proffer - Term Paper Example voice 1. Rationale In line with the corporate goal of XYZ resort and trunk Massage Parlor to keep track of its profit this quarter of the year, this cipher proposition go forth specifically determine the needed overhead costs. This is very big in order that the management depart be able to keep track of the expenses involved and the probable projection of the gross that needed to be targeted. In line with this, the management requires the accounting department to submit a simple budget proposal showing the projected overhead costs of the fraternity at different level of activities. Section 2. background signal XYZ Spa and Massage Parlor has recently formulated strategic moves in order to project and growing its revenue. On January, the management specifically appointed the marketing department to formulate marketing activities that leave behind alleviate enhance the current revenue of company. Optimistic about the impact of this strate gy, there is a need to intent ahead of time on the needed budget for the operation as the marketing strategy will help enhance revenue just in case if it is effective for the customers. From the past trend of the company for its three branches, marketing strategy has proven to be effective. Last year, it contributed about 20% of the revenue for the entirely year. The management is quiet satisfied about this discriminating that there are opposite competitors and with this, the company has significantly viewed its competitive edge through marketing strategy. This proposal is in line with the great concern of the chief operating officer to generate budget plan on the overhead costs prior to setting significant revenue and just to be able to adjust cost of the final service offering. This is essential information knowing that the company has also to compete with the current pricing strategy that competitions are setting in the market. Section 3. Projected Budget Shown in Table 1 be low is the proposed flexible budget of XYZ Spa and Body Massage Parlor for its three main branches. Included in the budget proposal are varying overhead costs and unyielding overhead costs. The management in general is concerned about the aggregate overhead cost needed for the entire operation under different level of activity found on customers visits. However, it is also important to show in details the specific components of both multivariate and fixed overhead costs prior to sound decision-making process of the management (Garrison & Noreen, 2000 Cross & Richey, 1998 Fess & Warren, 1984). The basic components of variable overhead costs shown in Table 1 are spa and physical structure massage supplies, promotional incentives for the customers, and electricity (variable). On the other hand, the basic components of fixed overhead costs are wages and salaries of staffs, rent, insurance, and utilities other than electricity. Based on the current trend and economic consideration of the inflation rate, the cost of spa and body massage supplies per customers visit is $1.75. Incorporating the managements marketing strategy with its actual service, it is important to have specific budget of $5.00 per customer on promotional incentives. This is to ensure more customers to avail of the operate offered by the company at a specific limited time. This promotional activity and even the budget plan can be good only for one month but it can be extended for the entire quarter depending on the initial
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