Friday, January 3, 2020
Should The Juvenile Detention Facilities Be Allowed
Additionally, Ameen Lee (2010) are focused on what a juvenile is going to do after his or her detention is completed. These two researchers wanted to make it known that juveniles in detention, especially for a significant amount of time, need access to vocational training. Vocational training can aid in eliminating the down time a juvenile has. In turn, the detained juvenile is thought to have fewer violations, fewer punishments, as well as a greater chance for employment. Delinquent youth that are detained have had a disruption in the normal transition from a juvenile leading into the late teen years, and then onto adulthood. If these disruptions are not remedied, then the youth has a decreased chance of a normal life (Ameen Lee, 2010). Ameen Lee (2010) found that among all of the juvenile detention facilities in the country, there is not consensus or significant similarities in vocational training curriculum. With the lack of standardization, a detained youth may not receive the training he or she could benefit from. The United States Department of Justice published in 2000, reasons why there was a failure with the standardization. First, the findings mentioned that there were logistic and safety issues that hindered certain programs from being successful. Second, there was no one designated, or trained in place to be able to manage this type of a program. Third, some did not think it was worth it to develop these programs due to employers already placing a stigmaShow MoreRelatedThe Juvenile Justice Process Essay1293 Words  | 6 PagesThe Juvenile Justice Process: A Breakdown of the System Dana R Kirkland Strayer University Abstract Although based on the adult criminal justice system, the juvenile justice process works differently. Juveniles can end up in court by way of arrest, truancy or for curfew violations or running away. 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