Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Links Between Social Change and Knowledge
Links Between Social Change and Knowledge When considering the immensity of accessible knowledge today in our high-tech society it seems more than evident that social change is in equation. The vast scope of fields in which ICT’s (information, communication, technologies) have invaded the global market with it’s unfathomable possibilities just might start a revolution. Knowledge societies now have freely accessible information transmitted instantaneously serving as a support for all essential needs. This capacity to meet the overall needs of the world and the reperccusions of global knowledge on mankind may conceal unthinkable changes. Education, environmental issues, government issues, religion, science ,wealth and risk management have become ressources through internet of intellectual sharing and education. Valuable information at the touch of the keyboard is not without the responsability that this implies.This massive information giving has caused considerable change in the personal development of each individual having access to a computer and internet, therefore allowing fulfilment in once unthinkable places, enabling the inclusion of disadvantaged people. On the other hand this may become another reason that accentuates social exclusion in developing countries. The gap between internet users and non internet users may become unbridgeable at some point. Computer savvy and computer illiterate may plunge the needy into even a greater abyss. What will the side effects be when highly educated masses meet their extreme opposite counterparts? Imagine the freedom of expression in any given language due to training, an inquisitive eye for other cultures, other lands, other ways of being and expressions of life. The cultural shock would jolt our high-tech societies into facing the fact that with all this information there are still huge discepansies of social classes throughout the world. We frankly need to’ mind the gap’! This social exclusion for the sake and risk of revolutionary technologies may also cause our downfall. The incredible benefits for those that have access as compared to those who don’t is reinforcing the idea of social power. Companies and individuals have become direct advocates of risk management and wealth management. On a daily basis right from your home or office you can consult any of your personal investments 24 hours a day. People have become their own financial partners having consequently earned their financial freedom. This freedom has made considerable social changes .People are more and more aware of the myriad of finacial placement possibilites and their options. Without having to leave the ofice they are able to orchestrate their choices by internet which not only brings them to finacial freedom, but to more leisure time.People are planning their future in an industrious way. What can we say for the risk society in social changes? We can probably say that the stakes are even higher than they were before. Social contrast, environmental pollution, nuclear and chemical weapons, transportation, the crime rate, drug abuse, war, civilian protection, military mangement; all of which through globalisation have created a state of international insecurity. Awareness on a daily basis of this state of unsafeness has largely contributed to either ignoring the situation and living with your head in the sand, or doing something about it. The person playing the ostrich will still feel insecure. The person that employs his energy in doing something about it may also feel insecure although he has made the choice to make a small step towards change on another level. Neither one of the two cases illustrated is a comfortable situation to be in . Generations of wearing blinders makes for more generations of wearing blinders which can only ignite the steaming anger of the disadvantaged. On the other hand there are those who give their support doing their best to nuture a feeling of solidarity towards the less fortunate. Social changes are also produced by the risk society for several other outstanding reasons. The fact that a high rate of divorce means children coming from mono-parental homes and the precariousness therein is a risk foundation factor of today’s society; Children are left to their own sort,while women are making up for lost time in executive positions on the work force. This new work pattern will affect the structure of the society in it’s roots. Medicine has made astounding technological advancements in disease prevention and treatments.Which means we have a high increase in population of people over fifty. Science and medicine alike have progressed in all areas through consequent research. The outmost prepoderance today is in the domain of bioethics. How are we as citizens of the world going to respect, encourage, develop, the the safekeeping of humanity through scientific practices? Therefore using those creations for the good of mankind excluding any attempt to manipulate, exploit, destroy,or govern others through these practices. We have come to the stage of our development when it might seem as if we were all reading a former science fiction scenario which has finally come true. How have religious beliefs changed with knowledge? Religion has always been subjective whereas science is prouvable knowledge. In the light of the fact that’ faith’ is’ faith ‘ religion has basically remained the same. Few or little changes have occured in the basic concepts. What has changed is the participation and questioning of how faith is transposed. Recently at a conference a woman in the audience made the remark that when the chips are down people turn to their faith and to their God. What awareness has changed are the blossoming number of charities in the world today. People are using their faith and expressing it through social services to the disadvantaged. If church attendance is ‘down’ the charitiy services are’ up’ putting faith into action. Advocates of human rights charities, NGO’s, and humanitarian services combined represent a great influence in counter balancing political issues. Interdenomonational efforts are being made for problem solving, empowerme nt, and conscience raising. Since the emphasis s not put on the doctrines but more on the strengths of uniting forces, yet another social pattern is changing in the face of new knowledge. In Europe this plurality is especially changing patterns when it comes to world peace. You may find at the same peace movement Muslims, Communists, Catholics all with the same amount of exploitable energy for world peace. A wave of interest for self-help litterature and New Age spirituality are allowing people to commit themselves in a more individually expressed way. Some choose community service, others NGO’s which may have a more political priority towards human rights, politics, clubs, or groups of people with standards and values to uphold that do not necessarily have a religious doctrine connotation but with a sense of mankind. Globalisation of thoughts has brought about many changes. We need to take into consideration that readily available knowledge influences thought and produces changes in patterns. Whenever there is a change in patterns society is directly implicated as a result of those changes. Globalisation has lead to localization. People may suffer a loss of the individual being drowned by the mass in his identification process. He will therefore feel a need to imply himself on a lesser scale to connect with non virtual existences and to have real life contact. The tendancy w ill be to form small groups as opposed to immense circles. Business has already predomonated the patterns by imposing it’s multinational structures upon the world. People will feel a need for real human contact on a smaller scale to be able to face the more universal scale they observe everyday on television. Taking good care of oneself has also become a new priority. A sort of self-awareness that has it’s repercissions on the choice of knowledge saught and it’s resulting change in patterns of thought. Change the thought patterns and society is highly affected as people with self- help in mind and individual emergence are evolving. Innovative skills and knowledge are at our disposal for inner growth. Perhaps the awakening of the ‘self’ will allow individuals to meet global needs when their own needs are fulfilled. Media has changed our vision through worlwide news reports. Terrorist attacks have been presented live on TV throughout the entire world. The risk society is even more exposed to insecurity by what is said than by what remains unsaid. Commercials have shaped the image of men and women and given children role models that impress upon them neurotic behaviour as being quite normal. Reality shows are allowing us to enter into somebody’s living room and experience their daily life in every aspect. This is bound to have an effect on our vision of others and our opinion of the world and it’s inhabitants. Our reasoning has been greatly influenced by the everyday aspect of media use through television, radio, magazines, newspapers. This constant focusing of visual and auditive input has also been a determining factor in social change. In conclusion, countless examples of how knowledge is linked to social change have lead me to believe that without knowledge in the first place there would be little room for change in the first place. When the expression’ ignorance is bliss’ is used it might just be that with the acceptance of knowledge the notion of responsability is heavy with meaning. The inevitable social changes that will occur stemming from cognitive growth are perhaps not always what we would hope them to be. Citizens of the world need to assume their knowledge and the forthcoming responsibilities that it will engender. References: Bauman Zygmunt (1992) Intimations of Postmodernity, London, Rutledge Beck, Ulrich (1992) Risk Society; Towards a New Modernity, London: Sage (1992) Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage Whc.unesco.org/world-he.htm The Development of Common Risk ‘society’ a theoretical overview Shaw Martin www.sussex.ac.uk Rethinking Science: knowledge and the Public in the Age of Uncertainty (2001) Nowontny Helga, Scott Peter, Gibbons Michael (2001) Cambridge Polity Press
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Imagery of the Stone Angel :: Stone Angel
The Imagery of the Stone Angel In her novel, The Stone Angel, Margaret Laurence successfully uses the statue of the stone angel to represent the Currie family pride, Hagar's inability to relate and share her emotions, and the blindness and ignorance that results from refusing to consider any other point of view than your own. The Stone angel is symbolic of the Currie family pride because it does not seem to serve it's purpose, which is to honour Hagar's mother who had died giving birth to her. Hagar describes Mrs. Currie to be a "meek woman" and a "feeble ghost", whereas she describes herself to be "stubborn" and "practical". The statue was bought in Italy and brought to the Manawaka cemetery "at a terrible expense . . . in pride to mark her bones and proclaim his [Mr. Currie's] dynasty, as he fancied, forever and a day" (p. 3). Mr. Currie bought the angel "in pride" rather than in grief for someone he considdered his possesion, his "dynasty". The stone angel is also a symbol of Hagar's pride as she inherrited it from her father. It was this pride that kept her from speaking up and fighting for her brother when Mr. Currie sent her away to college to become "more civilized". She knew Matt deserved to go more than her, but she never stuck up for either him or herself. In an attempt at freedom, o r maybe just to spite her father, Hagar married Bram Shipley soon after she came back from school. From day one, Hagar's marriage to Bram was a complete embarrassment to her and her family: "When i'd listen to Bram spinning his cobwebs, then it would turn my stomach most of all, not what he said but that he made himself a laughingstock" (p. 114). Upon hearing about their plans to wed, Hagar's father disowns her. Bram was not a rich man by any means, he drank heavily, always spoke in slang, and caused a scene on a regular basis. Hagar thought she'd be able to change him and coax him out of his wild ways, but when he proved her wrong, she just accepted the fact that she'd have to live with it or lie about it to save face. When applies for a job to get away from Mananawka and her husband, she lies to her boss as to her real relationship with Bram.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Module One Wellness Plan Essay
Include your goals for each area of wellness before completing the reflection question. 1.Physical : I will go to the gym every Monday and Wednesday for 1 hour for al least 1 month. 2.Social : I will join another club for this school year 3.Emotional : I will set weekly goal every week for 1 month 4.Academic: I will get at least 200 more service hours by the end of the year. Goal Reflection Question: Which of your wellness goals is the most important to you? Explain why. My academic goal is most important to me because now that I am older and about to start college I need to get more service hours to get a scholarships. I feel that its something I must do no matter what and in the end if it doesn’t help me then so be it but I know I helped others and helped my community. Were you able to maintain your workouts within your calculated target heart rate zone? Explain which activities you enjoyed most and which best helped you stay in your THR zone. Because of how hot Florida get I don’t like running outside, not saying that I don’t ever do it but its just not my thing. I prefer to run on a treadmill. That always keeps me in my target heart rate zone. Fitness Assessment Reflection Questions: Explain how you feel about your scores when compared to the Healthy Fitness Zone Standards. I think that in most areas i have been doing pretty good in the healthy fitness standards. Although there is plenty of room to improve also in both my curl ups and my push ups but im still doing pretty good for my age. Explain how your activity routine is improving each of your health-related components of fitness (flexibility, muscular strength and endurance, cardiovascular, and body composition)? Physical Activity Reflection Question: Explain how you have applied or will apply each of the FITT principles in your workouts. Frequency: Some activities, like color guard and working out at the gym, I do with regular frequency about every other day. Intensity: I am working at moderate to vigorous intensity in most of my workouts. By speeding up the elliptical machine, I can push myself at a higher intensity while keeping my time on the machine the same. Time: I am spending at least 30 minutes on most of my activities. My intention is to increase the minimum time to 35-40 minutes on all days. Type: I am doing a lot of activities focused on cardio and muscles because of color guard, so I probably need to add some other activities to work toward flexibility and to avoid tedium. Use the formulas to calculate your moves and complete the chart above. Average daily moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes for the last 7 days x 26.19 Percent toward my goal this week = Total average daily moves à · by 12,000 Total moves this week = Total number of physical activity minutes for the last 7 days x 183.33 Your parent/guardian must verify your workout during our required monthly contact. Fitness Tracker Reflection Question: Discuss changes you can make in your workout routine to increase your activity participation and improve on your achievements. Include adjustments to completed activities and activities you may wish to add to your routine. There isnt much I can do during my daily routine to increase my number of moves while i am in school, but on the weekends i can make an effort to wear it more and do more with it on.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Should The Juvenile Detention Facilities Be Allowed
Additionally, Ameen Lee (2010) are focused on what a juvenile is going to do after his or her detention is completed. These two researchers wanted to make it known that juveniles in detention, especially for a significant amount of time, need access to vocational training. Vocational training can aid in eliminating the down time a juvenile has. In turn, the detained juvenile is thought to have fewer violations, fewer punishments, as well as a greater chance for employment. Delinquent youth that are detained have had a disruption in the normal transition from a juvenile leading into the late teen years, and then onto adulthood. If these disruptions are not remedied, then the youth has a decreased chance of a normal life (Ameen Lee, 2010). Ameen Lee (2010) found that among all of the juvenile detention facilities in the country, there is not consensus or significant similarities in vocational training curriculum. With the lack of standardization, a detained youth may not receive the training he or she could benefit from. The United States Department of Justice published in 2000, reasons why there was a failure with the standardization. First, the findings mentioned that there were logistic and safety issues that hindered certain programs from being successful. Second, there was no one designated, or trained in place to be able to manage this type of a program. Third, some did not think it was worth it to develop these programs due to employers already placing a stigmaShow MoreRelatedThe Juvenile Justice Process Essay1293 Words  | 6 PagesThe Juvenile Justice Process: A Breakdown of the System Dana R Kirkland Strayer University Abstract Although based on the adult criminal justice system, the juvenile justice process works differently. Juveniles can end up in court by way of arrest, truancy or for curfew violations or running away. A youth may also be referred to the juvenile court system by school officials or a parent or guardian for being continuously disobedient. The juvenile justice process involves several different stepsRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System Is A State Level System Of Juvenile Correctional Facilities1597 Words  | 7 Pagessystem, about 1 million juveniles under the age of 18 are arrested each year. While violent crimes by juveniles are decreasing, the female juvenile population has grown tremendously. Both girls and boys who are in the juvenile system usually have problems at home and school that have put them at risk for delinquency. This includes maltreatment, poverty or both, and these factors may have a negative impact on their adjustment to adulthood. In the state of Connecticut, the juvenile justice system is aRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency Is The Highest Rate For Juvenile Crime1733 Words  | 7 PagesThe way the courts deal with juvenile delinquents varies depending on the country. Even the age of criminal responsibility is different depending on the country. Most people think when you become 18 you are no longer a minor and can be charged as an adult, well in Japan until you are 20 you can still be charged as a minor. In germany they consider 21 a legal adult .On the other hand when you become 17 in Australia you are charged as an adult. They way they treat juveniles in prison also differs. TheRead MoreJust Mercy Essays : Juveniles Being Tried As Adults1407 Words  | 6 PagesContrast to Bryan Stevenson’s â€Å"Just Mercy†stories of juveniles being tried as adults, Jason Zeidenberg in the article â€Å"The Risks Juveniles Face When They Are Incarcerated with Adults†strongly emphasizes the dangers an d consequences that juveniles face when they are tried as adults. Zeidenberg states the consequences of juveniles being raped, assaulted, committing suicide and the effects of being victimized. 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They do contribute to the atmosphere, however, changing other aspects such as the rulesRead MoreEssay on Kentucky Department of Juvenile Justice1997 Words  | 8 PagesOffice of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention found that high numbers of detention orders were being issued for status youth statewide. The main issue of concern was the valid court order exception to the DSO core requirement was used 2,000 times. This allowed judges to order non-delinquent youth in locked detention facility whose most serious violations involved repeat offenses of running away, skipping school or being rebelling against authority figures. The disturbing thing about thisRead MoreThe Effects Of Juvenile Treatment On The Justice System Essay984 Words  | 4 Pagescriminal behavior. So the focus on them is for punishment and keeping them away from society to prevent the opportunity to do more harm. 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