Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Roles and Responsibility in Lifelong Learning Essay Example for Free
Roles and Responsibility in Lifelong Learning Essay In the course of my research, I discovered that the teaching profession, like many other professions is being guided by a set of legislations, which can also be referred to as the code of conduct for the teaching profession. This set of legislations has been put in place for the effective management of teachers. These legislations guide the roles and responsibilities of us teachers. WHAT ARE ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The Chambers Combined Dictionaries defined role as ‘a part played in life, the function of a person or thing’. With the in-depth understanding that my role as teacher exceed just teaching in the class room, I have come to appreciate the key legislations that guides the teaching profession. My role as a teacher requires me amongst other titles to be a guardian, an instructor, a director. The key aspects of legislation and regulations that that guides the teaching profession in England are, but to not limit to: I being a teacher must have an in-depth knowledge of the subject that I teach in other to be confident in transferring it to my students. As a teacher, I must posses the ability to Plan, Prepare, Deliver and also Assess the student. This is to aid the subject understanding or academic development of the student. (Dept for Education May 2012).[1] From my understanding the course of planning and preparing would also create some form of enthusiasm from me (the teacher) towards the subject that I teach and my job in general. The law demands that I am fair towards every single student that I am responsible for and I also treat my student with respect no matter their culture, ethnic background, religious belief, sexual orientation and political view, ability or dis-ability. (Equality Act 2010). In all educational setting a teacher is expected to practice the inclusive method of teaching, as by so doing, no student or group of student feels pigeonholed. Having said that, the code of practice expect me not to be incognisance of the fact that there are different theories of learning. As a good teacher I need to have detailed understanding of these theories and when to apply them. I should be able to set high standard, motivate and inspire my students. Keep detailed record of learner’s activities, assessment and progress. The ministry of Education ‘‘demands that I should be trained and prepared to address the daily challenges that is been exhibited by different students In the learning centre’’. Remarkably Dr S.Wallace has enlightened teachers and student teachers on challenging behaviour in the lifelong learning sector and how to deal with it. (S.Wallace. 2007 p.1)[2]. Finally all teachers must are to ensure their continual professional development (CPD). B: AN ANALYSIS OF BOUNDARIES IN THE TEACHING PROFFESSION Professionalism demands that boundaries be set between a service provider and his or her client, in this case between the teacher and the leaner. In the education sector it is the duty of the teacher and the school authority to set out these boundaries for both staff and learners, but it is the express duty of the teacher to ensure that these boundaries are established because we are in most cases the only contact the learners make in the learning centre for a given period of time These boundaries define the effective and appropriate relationship between the teacher and the learners. Teachers are to ensure that they dress appropriately to the learning centre. Firstly, due to the popular ‘saying dress the way you want to be addressed’. Secondly the teaching role makes the teacher a role model as well and the impression they make on the learner has a huge impact on the learner’s life. (Kyriacou 2001)[3] Teachers are to ensure that they do not enter into any personal relationship with the learners, be it in the further education setting or otherwise. Personal relationship may lead to favouritism and erode the teacher’s sense of good judgement. We teacher are not to give our personal information to the students and these include personal telephone number and addresses and we are to at no time entertain our students in our home. Teachers are to use good or appropriate language at all times. Also teacher are to be cautious of their physical contact that they make with students. Depending on the setting were they are, it would be advisable for no physical contact to be made except in emergencies or for health and safety reasons. For the purpose of this research I think it would also be ideal for teacher to always evaluate the circumstances that they are in and how the set boundaries are affecting any particular situation or student. C: A REVIEW OF POINTS OF REFFERAL TO MEET THE NEEDS OF LEARNERS Every learner has the right to expect that they will receive high quality learning, appropriate to their needs and circumstances in a safe and healthy environment’. (Success for All, DES 2002)[4] At the point of referral it is imperative that initial assessment is carried out for the school authority to know of any risk or support plan that need to set up for the learners. It could be that some learner requires the support of a teaching assistant. It might be a case whereby the learner requires an assistive technology to make learning easier for the individual. Take for instance, I have student in my class who is having an issue of drug and alcohol addiction or misuse, I would have a discussion with the learner, with his or her permission and the school authority’s a the learner would be referred to agency who helps people with drug and alcohol problem, i.e The National Treatment Agency For Substance Misuse run by the NHS or any other available agency dealing with drugs and and alcohol misuse. The therapy that such a student receives from this referral impacts greatly on the learners study and life in general, which then create some sense of satisfaction to me as a teacher, knowing that I have fulfilled my role not just as a teacher but also as a mentor D: AN EXPLANATION OF HOW TO PROMOTE APPROPRIATE BEHAVIOUR AND RESPECT FOR OTHERS In every organisation and learning environment it is important for some ground rules to be set by management and for the purpose of this research, teacher. These ground rules create orderliness in the learning centre and mutual respect from both learners to teachers and amongst learners themselves. These ground rules as to start from the teacher. The teacher is to first ensure that he is not late for class as this could give room to student to get dis-engaged even before the start of the lesson. Teachers should arrive early to create a conducive and supportive learning environment for the students. This would enable the students to settle down to work or study upon their arrival to class. Teachers are to ensure that there is a clear guide about the day’s lesson because ‘’ it has been recognised that students like to know the confines within which they are expected to work’(Ann Gravell 3rd Edition).[5] Create a settling in activity that engages every learner in the class room i.e a quiz or a timed group work, this way, every student gets involved in the lesson for the day. There should be a clear communication network from the teacher to the learners. There should be fairness and equal praise or discipline of the learner so there is no case of favouritism which can lead to disorderliness in class. References Gravells,A. (2008) Preparing to teach in the life long learning sector. Third edition. Learning Matters. London, Sage publication. Kyriacou.C (2001) Essential Teaching Skill. 3rd Edition. Cheltenham, united kingdom. Nelson Thornes Limited Wallace S (2007). Managing Behavior in the LifeLong Learning Sector. 2nd Edition. Exeter, England. Learning Matters. P.1 Ministry of Education, (2012) Dept For Education and Special Needs. Teacher’s Standard. England. www.education.gov.uk
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