Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Importance of Marriage, Heterosexual and Homosexual Essay
As a society, somewhere we have lost the importance of marriage. It seems that we have forgotten how important a marriage is not only to our families, but also to our communities. We are depriving our children and our communities of the structure, and stability that they desperately need by choosing to live together, and start families without marrying. We are also doing this by denying some members of our community the right to have a healthy marriage at all. Our children are being denied the sustenance they need to develop healthy relationships of their own. Not only is society not viewing this as important, but it has been mostly absent in providing any support or assistance for families and marriage. Ultimately, I agree with Santorum’s†¦show more content†¦I also believe this to be true. Living together is more convenient for couples because they don’t have to make such a large commitment; it really is rather selfish once you begin involving children. I bel ieve that a marriage provides commitment and security that is just not found in anything less than a marriage. There is something about a marriage that holds a family together, whereas without it, it’s easier to give up and walk away. Adults understand the commitment that they are omitting from their relationship, and children understand it as well. They see the permanence that is missing from their family. It has been shown that boys growing up in homes without married parents were twice as likely to end up in jail (Santorum, 2005). Couples are actually sabotaging their relationships with cohabitation; most couples who live together will most likely not marry at all, and the couples who do have a 50% chance of ending in divorce (Santorum, 2005); the odds don’t seem very good. If all we want is what is best for our children, then why wouldn’t we provide them with that; married parents and a healthy family? This would be the most beneficial thing to our communiti es, and to our society. In â€Å"It Takes a Family†, one reason that Santorum gives for couples deciding against marriage is society’s absence in providing any assistance or reinforcement to families, and this absolutely true.Show MoreRelatedHomosexual Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1111 Words  | 5 PagesHomosexual marriage should be legal because marriage is a symbol of love and passion for one another, the homosexual family life is just as good as heterosexual family life, and prohibiting gay marriage is unconstitutional discrimination. Homosexuality occurs in over four hundred and fifty species, but homophobia (irrational fear or dislike against homosexuality) only occurs in one. (Gay Marriage Research Paper) We live in the â€Å"land of the free,†but we still have laws that ban marriage of homosexualRead MoreHomosexuality And The Modern Day Civil Rights Movement1701 Words  | 7 Pagesunnatural or abnormal. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Major League Baseball Salary - 949 Words
Major League Baseball Salary 1/C Morris, 2/C Morris and 2/C Turner Major League Baseball players average just over four million a year making it the second highest paying sport. Players determine win-loss records which drives ticket sales which creates revenue and so on. This is why player salaries is one of the most critical aspects of running a MLB team. These salaries are negotiated using statistics such as batting average, on base percentage, hits and more. When negotiations are not working, an arbitration process is used which is unique to the MLB. Within Major League Baseball there are two trade deadlines. The first is July 31 (or August 1 for leap years) and the second is August 31. Before the July deadline, teams face no penalties or additional fees in trading. However, after July 31 and before August 31 trades can take place with waivers and additional fees. While this discourages trades after the July 31 deadline, if a player is truly desired by a team, especially in the upcoming postseason, no barrier will prevent a team from acquiring that player. After the world series free agents are free to move from team to team. For roughly five days teams will try and negotiate a new contract with their expiring players. Most of the time this works but if a contract cannot be reached salary arbitration is used. Both the player and the team will present a proposal salary to the arbitrators who then select the proposal they believe to be the fairest. Arbitration is rareShow MoreRelatedEssay Salaries in Major League Baseball1280 Words  | 6 PagesSalaries in Major League Baseball Every year, it becomes more obvious that many sports in America have problems. For years, Hockey has been criticized for its excessive violence. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Women and media
Questions: 1. Carry out a symptomatic reading of the text applying concepts such as ideology, hegemony, interpellation and exnomination? 2. Identify and discuss any intertextual links between the text and other media texts? 3. Identify any stereotypes in the texts, and describe why they might have been used? 4. Discuss what message has been encoded in the text and how that message might be decoded? 5. Additional Notes/Observations? Answers: 1. In this particular media article, certain elements stand out as signifies. One of the noted signifies is Trump penthouse 600 ft. in the sky. As the article mentions, it is difficult to make out regular people below. This means the difference between Donald Trump and the common man. Ice skaters teeming Wollman Rink of Central Park are also signifiers as they resemble old-television inert, while the 5th floor avenue holiday customers might lice in a drain. This signifies Tramp as someone who is not to a normal level with other people. Moreover, the difficulty that comes up when one wants to see this penthouse view as elevator workers have to devote their times standing aside and have to thrust 66-68 button, declaring all 3 floorings of princely pad of Trump further justifies the signification that Trump is in a different level. The other signifier is how staff members wore cloth slipcovers on respective shoes, to avoid scuffing marble or staining the plush cream carpets. This further signifies the honour that comes with Trump and further justifies that he is truly a VVIP. To sum up, Trumps penthouse is never an ordinary home for refining the public touch. The glided alongside garish and even faded drapery dreamscape, old clocks along with fresco-kind ceiling paintings of Greek gods gym-rat further adds to signification of Trump as a non-ordinary individual. The throw pillow that carry Trumps shield along with the monogrammed paper bibs named after family further signifies the stature of Trump. Moreover, it mentions that Trumps closest neighbours, at least at such height, remain a global set of tycoon magnates that have made a decision of slashing cash at 432 and One57 up-to-date towers remaking midtown Manhattan. Indeed, no tight-knit public is available in sky, no paper boy nor post man, and even careening over brews afterward work does not exist. Nevertheless, Tramps lived here under the drenching crystal featuring diamond cut manacle links, as the USs President-elect thereby signifying how different he is. The Secret Service agents always mill hulking and serous about as they try gingerly to remain on agate while evading carpets with exposed shoes thereby proving that Trump managed to win election that few saw coming. The agents hulking. 2. Nevertheless, despite Trump being dismissed by tastemakers and intellectual in all his public life as a vulgarian as well as pageant barker, and showman marred with large showy along with slight substance, he still managed to win election. This signifies clearly that people will look at a person differently and one can achieve whatever he wishes based on commitment and dedication. This shows that Trumps critics never understood that their disdain provided Trump with the required strength that propelled him to the White House (Curran and Gurevitch 2015). For many years Trump fed off disregard and utilized it to clutch increasing sensationalist headlines, thereby connecting with common persons that were never in his level before. Thus Trumps decision to shed off disrespect signified his strategy to win the Presidency. Trump has subsequently upset the leadership of main political parties and efficiently twisted the political course of global order and commands the history most deadly military. Trump managed to get into the hearts of the people he referred as the overlooked masses of American electorates that get payment on hourly basis in shoes that shall certainly not land such carpets via a strategy that critics never saw coming (Byerly and Ross 2013). 3. The stereotype here is that even despite Trump living a life in his public life that no one could think could come close to common man, he shed off the disrespect over the years and managed to get into the hearts of forgotten millions of American voters. It was used to show that whatever might view as an automatic failure may turn out to be success in the eye of others. 4. At the mythical level, an encoded message here is that which show that despite the status of an individual he can still ascend or descend to work with either those in upper class or lower class. As for Trump, we can see how he descended to lower levels of common people and even convinced them to vote for him. No critics of Trump could see this coming but Trump stayed on course with his critics giving him the required strength. This indicates that a person can start from a high level and come back to help the common man who has been forgotten (Ross and Sreberny 2012). 5. After reading and studying this article, it appears to me that for one to be success in his goals, he needs to stay on course and ignore the critics. Trumps public life was full of criticisms and nobody though he could be named the 2016 person of the year after truanting Hillary Clinton for the Presidency Reference Ross, K. and Sreberny, A., 2012. Women in the house: media representation of British politicians. Gender, politics and communication, pp.79-99. Curran, J.P. and Gurevitch, M., 2015. Mass Media and Society 4th edition. Arnold. Byerly, C.M. and Ross, K., 2013. Women and media: A critical introduction. John Wiley Sons.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Couple Interview Marital Challenges Essay Example
Couple Interview Marital Challenges Essay I interviewed John and Cindy about their marriage and the challenges they’ve faced together as a married couple. I am encouraged by their relationship and have decided to use their relationship as a model for my second interview. John and Cindy have been married for almost 5 years. In addition to this union, there is McKenna, Cindy’s son. They are a blended family, of course, and are part of the more modern structure of families in our society. When reflecting upon their ideas about marriage, prior to actually being married, I noticed that Cindy’s outlook was positive. She knew she would be married one day and looked forward to it. Even though she was in a long-term romantic relationship prior to meeting John, that relationship wasn’t what she considered a foundation for a good marriage. Her former boyfriend was good friends with the family and spent a great amount of time with them. Cindy also spent a great deal of time with his family as well. This allowed them to witness each other’s family of origin. However, the time that John spends with her family, she says, is different. It’s full of quality and genuine caring for her people. We will write a custom essay sample on Couple Interview Marital Challenges specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Couple Interview Marital Challenges specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Couple Interview Marital Challenges specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer John also added that Cindy’s first meeting with his mother and sister exceeded his expectations. They took to her right away and have had a good relationship ever since. As a matter of fact, several of his family members have traveled from their home states to stay with them for weeks at a time. I decided to ask about the differences between men and women, and if either of them has heard of the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by author John Gray, the feedback was instant. They both chimed in with the same answer. John has always believed that men will never understand what goes on in a woman’s mind. Cindy believes that men are a different species, and not necessarily human. They way men and women problem solve, in her opinion, are polar opposites. However, when she comes to John with a problem or a task she tries to remember that she asked him for help. He doesn’t need to have the solution dictated to him; she must trust him to help in his own way. She also believes that there is more than one way to solve a problem, and it doesn’t matter whose way is used, as long as the problem is solved. I take this piece of advice to heart, as I’ve been told that I am impatient and a bit of a control freak. John states that he tries his best to work out his own dilemmas because he knows that Cindy has a stressful full-time job, and she’s also a full-time mom to McKenna. Between her schedule and McKenna’s extra-curricular activities, John doesn’t like to add anything extra on her plate if he doesn’t need to. That, he says, is the reason he takes such a large role in McKenna’s activities. It brings a sense of peace to the home when he knows his wife and son’s needs are met. Our next subject was the topic of â€Å"deadly habits†that ruin a relationship. Another excellent example of their understanding is Cindy’s approach to getting help with household chores. Instead of nagging John to take out the garbage, which is initially what she used to do, she tried a different approach. Now she asks him once or twice, and if he doesn’t get to it, she kindly lets him know how uncomfortable she is with trash sitting and the extra work it makes for her in the long run with cleaning the mess or airing out the lingering odor. She admits that she doesn’t go overboard because she is a â€Å"junky†person and doesn’t want to look like a hypocrite. John, however, has fallen into her pattern of â€Å"junkiness,†stating that he used to be quite neat and before he knew it, he had clothes on the floor right next to Cindy’s. And he appreciates her new approach when asking him to complete tasks because he feels respected and needed instead of criticized or scolded like a child. I brought up the topic of the four stages of love and asked both John and Cindy if they were aware that four stages existed. They both replied no, and I proceeded to explain each stage and ask which one they were in. John feels as if they are still in the infatuation stage, based on his love for Cindy. He doesn’t feel as if the honeymoon has ended because he loves her more each day. Cindy feels the same, but recognizes realistically that they are in the connection stage. She said they have gone through the discovery stage and now focus on staying together and constantly working to better their relationship. While it does still feel new to her, she takes into consideration the challenges they’ve overcome and the challenges that await them in the future. One of the many challenges couples face is dealing with financial issues. Cindy makes a great living and had done so prior to meeting John. And the same goes for him. But Cindy realized, upon marriage, that John was better at managing finances than she was. After being independent for many years it was an adjustment for her to have someone else make suggestions to her on saving money or cutting back on her spending. However, trusting her husband and seeing the way he managed his own money, she took his advice and is glad she did. They consult on big purchases and realize that not every dollar spent has to be accounted for to the other person. They, especially Cindy, realize that being on one accord in money matters benefits the family. It’s not about one person’s money anymore. It’s their money regardless of who makes more or who spends it. Being that John and Cindy are both in their early 40’s, I asked both of them if they felt there was an ideal age to get married. Cindy believes there isn’t an ideal age to get married. If she had met John fifteen years ago and still feels as she does now, she would have married him then. However, she is thankful that she was able to do all the things she loved doing as a single woman such as traveling, going out with girlfriends as she pleased and shopping. She’s also thankful from a parental standpoint because her habits changed after having McKenna. She was able to satisfy her single self, and can now be happy and content being a wife and mother without feeling as if she missed out on anything. John says he was content not being married or even being on the path to marriage. He feels there is no ideal age to get married. When you’re ready, you’ll know it, no matter how old or young you are. He shares Cindy’s sentiments on satisfying his single self prior to meeting and marrying her. He is content with what he accomplished on his own and now loves that they accomplish things together. From the many topics we discussed, on and off the record, I am so inspired by John and Cindy’s approach to love and life. I enjoy being in their presence because they radiate a positive vibe. I don’t enjoy being around couples that argue or have tension between them. It’s uncomfortable for me and can change the mood of the environment. I have listened to both of them intently and have related their challenges to challenges I’ve had. The approach they take toward each other is remarkable. They have a mutual respect that goes beyond loving each other. They respect each other as individuals with their own respective levels of intelligence. I appreciate the example they provide to me and to other people they encounter. I know Cindy very well and it has really pleased me to watch her grow in love with someone who compliments her so well. I have seen the subtle changes she’s made such as cooking. I’ve also seen the more apparent changes, such as the reduction in her stress level. Talking to them and watching their words in action has redefined my beliefs in marriage. I don’t have many examples of a happily married couple. But knowing that Cindy and John are in my life makes it easier for me to have a blueprint of what marriage can be.
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