Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Importance of Marriage, Heterosexual and Homosexual Essay
As a society, somewhere we have lost the importance of marriage. It seems that we have forgotten how important a marriage is not only to our families, but also to our communities. We are depriving our children and our communities of the structure, and stability that they desperately need by choosing to live together, and start families without marrying. We are also doing this by denying some members of our community the right to have a healthy marriage at all. Our children are being denied the sustenance they need to develop healthy relationships of their own. Not only is society not viewing this as important, but it has been mostly absent in providing any support or assistance for families and marriage. Ultimately, I agree with Santorum’s†¦show more content†¦I also believe this to be true. Living together is more convenient for couples because they don’t have to make such a large commitment; it really is rather selfish once you begin involving children. I bel ieve that a marriage provides commitment and security that is just not found in anything less than a marriage. There is something about a marriage that holds a family together, whereas without it, it’s easier to give up and walk away. Adults understand the commitment that they are omitting from their relationship, and children understand it as well. They see the permanence that is missing from their family. It has been shown that boys growing up in homes without married parents were twice as likely to end up in jail (Santorum, 2005). Couples are actually sabotaging their relationships with cohabitation; most couples who live together will most likely not marry at all, and the couples who do have a 50% chance of ending in divorce (Santorum, 2005); the odds don’t seem very good. If all we want is what is best for our children, then why wouldn’t we provide them with that; married parents and a healthy family? This would be the most beneficial thing to our communiti es, and to our society. In â€Å"It Takes a Family†, one reason that Santorum gives for couples deciding against marriage is society’s absence in providing any assistance or reinforcement to families, and this absolutely true.Show MoreRelatedHomosexual Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1111 Words  | 5 PagesHomosexual marriage should be legal because marriage is a symbol of love and passion for one another, the homosexual family life is just as good as heterosexual family life, and prohibiting gay marriage is unconstitutional discrimination. Homosexuality occurs in over four hundred and fifty species, but homophobia (irrational fear or dislike against homosexuality) only occurs in one. (Gay Marriage Research Paper) We live in the â€Å"land of the free,†but we still have laws that ban marriage of homosexualRead MoreHomosexuality And The Modern Day Civil Rights Movement1701 Words  | 7 Pagesunnatural or abnormal. 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The goal was originally just acknowledgement and social acceptance, butRead MoreSame Sex Marriages Have Different Laws1523 Words  | 7 PagesSame-sex marriages have different laws that pertain to different countries. For example, in Canada, same-sex marriage is legal however in certain states in the US, it is prohibited. Instead of focusing on the legality of same-sex marriage, this paper will focus on the emotional and social development of children in lesbian-mother families and the quality of the relationship between the mother and the child. It will also focus on the social and academic effects same-sex couples have on children
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Major League Baseball Salary - 949 Words
Major League Baseball Salary 1/C Morris, 2/C Morris and 2/C Turner Major League Baseball players average just over four million a year making it the second highest paying sport. Players determine win-loss records which drives ticket sales which creates revenue and so on. This is why player salaries is one of the most critical aspects of running a MLB team. These salaries are negotiated using statistics such as batting average, on base percentage, hits and more. When negotiations are not working, an arbitration process is used which is unique to the MLB. Within Major League Baseball there are two trade deadlines. The first is July 31 (or August 1 for leap years) and the second is August 31. Before the July deadline, teams face no penalties or additional fees in trading. However, after July 31 and before August 31 trades can take place with waivers and additional fees. While this discourages trades after the July 31 deadline, if a player is truly desired by a team, especially in the upcoming postseason, no barrier will prevent a team from acquiring that player. After the world series free agents are free to move from team to team. For roughly five days teams will try and negotiate a new contract with their expiring players. Most of the time this works but if a contract cannot be reached salary arbitration is used. Both the player and the team will present a proposal salary to the arbitrators who then select the proposal they believe to be the fairest. Arbitration is rareShow MoreRelatedEssay Salaries in Major League Baseball1280 Words  | 6 PagesSalaries in Major League Baseball Every year, it becomes more obvious that many sports in America have problems. For years, Hockey has been criticized for its excessive violence. The National Football League has also been scrutinized for this reason as well as the fact that many of the top players have constantly been in trouble with the law. Major League Baseball is no different. The situation with baseball is more complicated, and is not only ruining the game itself, but also drawing millionsRead More An Argument Against High Salaries in Major League Baseball Essays1298 Words  | 6 PagesAn Argument Against High Salaries in Major League Baseball Twenty-five million dollars made per year. Over one hundred fifty-four thousand dollars made per game. Over forty-seven thousand dollars earned per at bat. Sounds a little ridiculous, does it not? That is what current Texas Ranger shortstop Alex Rodriguez earns to play the game of baseball ( Baseball is a game that children have been playing in schoolyards and fields for the past one hundred years. ItRead More Major League Baseball Salaries and the Economic Effect Competition and the Consumer4712 Words  | 19 PagesMajor League Baseball Salaries and the Economic Effect Competition and the Consumer As long has there has been business, Management and Labor have warred against each other for a bigger piece of the pie. Major League Baseball is no different. In the early years of professional baseball the owners controlled the salaries of the players and decided where they could play and what they would be paid. The players were bound to their team by the Reserve Clause that stated, the services of a playerRead MoreRelationship Between Players’ Salary and Racial Discrimination in Major League Baseball1335 Words  | 6 Pagesthe field. Major League Baseball is one of the professional sports leagues that has a long history about racial discrimination. Relating with this, it is questionable that if racial discrimination affects on players’ salary in MLB. 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It mayRead MoreSalary And Performance Of Offensive Players On Major League Baseball1842 Words  | 8 PagesINTRODUCTION This project investigates how salary and performance of offensive players in Major League Baseball are linked. We believe this is an interesting problem because it is traditionally believed that professional athletes play with hopes of earning a high salary, yet it often seems a batter’s performance is not linked to their salary (Jensen). Therefore, it seems as if the link between a player’s performance and their salary is different than their true performance. Performing a statisticalRead MoreAmerica s National Pastime Of Baseball Essay1518 Words  | 7 PagesSince its grand entry in the 19th century, baseball has evolved to be one of the most popular sport nationally and to be known as America’s national pastime. This multibillion dollar industry attracts millions of fans worldwide throughout different regions. 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A salary cap is needed to keep baseball thriving in the future, to keep the game exciting and enjoyable to watch for every fan. The four major professional sports in America are MLB, NBA, NFL, and NHL. Out of those four, only Major League Baseball does not have a salary
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Women and media
Questions: 1. Carry out a symptomatic reading of the text applying concepts such as ideology, hegemony, interpellation and exnomination? 2. Identify and discuss any intertextual links between the text and other media texts? 3. Identify any stereotypes in the texts, and describe why they might have been used? 4. Discuss what message has been encoded in the text and how that message might be decoded? 5. Additional Notes/Observations? Answers: 1. In this particular media article, certain elements stand out as signifies. One of the noted signifies is Trump penthouse 600 ft. in the sky. As the article mentions, it is difficult to make out regular people below. This means the difference between Donald Trump and the common man. Ice skaters teeming Wollman Rink of Central Park are also signifiers as they resemble old-television inert, while the 5th floor avenue holiday customers might lice in a drain. This signifies Tramp as someone who is not to a normal level with other people. Moreover, the difficulty that comes up when one wants to see this penthouse view as elevator workers have to devote their times standing aside and have to thrust 66-68 button, declaring all 3 floorings of princely pad of Trump further justifies the signification that Trump is in a different level. The other signifier is how staff members wore cloth slipcovers on respective shoes, to avoid scuffing marble or staining the plush cream carpets. This further signifies the honour that comes with Trump and further justifies that he is truly a VVIP. To sum up, Trumps penthouse is never an ordinary home for refining the public touch. The glided alongside garish and even faded drapery dreamscape, old clocks along with fresco-kind ceiling paintings of Greek gods gym-rat further adds to signification of Trump as a non-ordinary individual. The throw pillow that carry Trumps shield along with the monogrammed paper bibs named after family further signifies the stature of Trump. Moreover, it mentions that Trumps closest neighbours, at least at such height, remain a global set of tycoon magnates that have made a decision of slashing cash at 432 and One57 up-to-date towers remaking midtown Manhattan. Indeed, no tight-knit public is available in sky, no paper boy nor post man, and even careening over brews afterward work does not exist. Nevertheless, Tramps lived here under the drenching crystal featuring diamond cut manacle links, as the USs President-elect thereby signifying how different he is. The Secret Service agents always mill hulking and serous about as they try gingerly to remain on agate while evading carpets with exposed shoes thereby proving that Trump managed to win election that few saw coming. The agents hulking. 2. Nevertheless, despite Trump being dismissed by tastemakers and intellectual in all his public life as a vulgarian as well as pageant barker, and showman marred with large showy along with slight substance, he still managed to win election. This signifies clearly that people will look at a person differently and one can achieve whatever he wishes based on commitment and dedication. This shows that Trumps critics never understood that their disdain provided Trump with the required strength that propelled him to the White House (Curran and Gurevitch 2015). For many years Trump fed off disregard and utilized it to clutch increasing sensationalist headlines, thereby connecting with common persons that were never in his level before. Thus Trumps decision to shed off disrespect signified his strategy to win the Presidency. Trump has subsequently upset the leadership of main political parties and efficiently twisted the political course of global order and commands the history most deadly military. Trump managed to get into the hearts of the people he referred as the overlooked masses of American electorates that get payment on hourly basis in shoes that shall certainly not land such carpets via a strategy that critics never saw coming (Byerly and Ross 2013). 3. The stereotype here is that even despite Trump living a life in his public life that no one could think could come close to common man, he shed off the disrespect over the years and managed to get into the hearts of forgotten millions of American voters. It was used to show that whatever might view as an automatic failure may turn out to be success in the eye of others. 4. At the mythical level, an encoded message here is that which show that despite the status of an individual he can still ascend or descend to work with either those in upper class or lower class. As for Trump, we can see how he descended to lower levels of common people and even convinced them to vote for him. No critics of Trump could see this coming but Trump stayed on course with his critics giving him the required strength. This indicates that a person can start from a high level and come back to help the common man who has been forgotten (Ross and Sreberny 2012). 5. After reading and studying this article, it appears to me that for one to be success in his goals, he needs to stay on course and ignore the critics. Trumps public life was full of criticisms and nobody though he could be named the 2016 person of the year after truanting Hillary Clinton for the Presidency Reference Ross, K. and Sreberny, A., 2012. Women in the house: media representation of British politicians. Gender, politics and communication, pp.79-99. Curran, J.P. and Gurevitch, M., 2015. Mass Media and Society 4th edition. Arnold. Byerly, C.M. and Ross, K., 2013. Women and media: A critical introduction. John Wiley Sons.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Couple Interview Marital Challenges Essay Example
Couple Interview Marital Challenges Essay I interviewed John and Cindy about their marriage and the challenges they’ve faced together as a married couple. I am encouraged by their relationship and have decided to use their relationship as a model for my second interview. John and Cindy have been married for almost 5 years. In addition to this union, there is McKenna, Cindy’s son. They are a blended family, of course, and are part of the more modern structure of families in our society. When reflecting upon their ideas about marriage, prior to actually being married, I noticed that Cindy’s outlook was positive. She knew she would be married one day and looked forward to it. Even though she was in a long-term romantic relationship prior to meeting John, that relationship wasn’t what she considered a foundation for a good marriage. Her former boyfriend was good friends with the family and spent a great amount of time with them. Cindy also spent a great deal of time with his family as well. This allowed them to witness each other’s family of origin. However, the time that John spends with her family, she says, is different. It’s full of quality and genuine caring for her people. We will write a custom essay sample on Couple Interview Marital Challenges specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Couple Interview Marital Challenges specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Couple Interview Marital Challenges specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer John also added that Cindy’s first meeting with his mother and sister exceeded his expectations. They took to her right away and have had a good relationship ever since. As a matter of fact, several of his family members have traveled from their home states to stay with them for weeks at a time. I decided to ask about the differences between men and women, and if either of them has heard of the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by author John Gray, the feedback was instant. They both chimed in with the same answer. John has always believed that men will never understand what goes on in a woman’s mind. Cindy believes that men are a different species, and not necessarily human. They way men and women problem solve, in her opinion, are polar opposites. However, when she comes to John with a problem or a task she tries to remember that she asked him for help. He doesn’t need to have the solution dictated to him; she must trust him to help in his own way. She also believes that there is more than one way to solve a problem, and it doesn’t matter whose way is used, as long as the problem is solved. I take this piece of advice to heart, as I’ve been told that I am impatient and a bit of a control freak. John states that he tries his best to work out his own dilemmas because he knows that Cindy has a stressful full-time job, and she’s also a full-time mom to McKenna. Between her schedule and McKenna’s extra-curricular activities, John doesn’t like to add anything extra on her plate if he doesn’t need to. That, he says, is the reason he takes such a large role in McKenna’s activities. It brings a sense of peace to the home when he knows his wife and son’s needs are met. Our next subject was the topic of â€Å"deadly habits†that ruin a relationship. Another excellent example of their understanding is Cindy’s approach to getting help with household chores. Instead of nagging John to take out the garbage, which is initially what she used to do, she tried a different approach. Now she asks him once or twice, and if he doesn’t get to it, she kindly lets him know how uncomfortable she is with trash sitting and the extra work it makes for her in the long run with cleaning the mess or airing out the lingering odor. She admits that she doesn’t go overboard because she is a â€Å"junky†person and doesn’t want to look like a hypocrite. John, however, has fallen into her pattern of â€Å"junkiness,†stating that he used to be quite neat and before he knew it, he had clothes on the floor right next to Cindy’s. And he appreciates her new approach when asking him to complete tasks because he feels respected and needed instead of criticized or scolded like a child. I brought up the topic of the four stages of love and asked both John and Cindy if they were aware that four stages existed. They both replied no, and I proceeded to explain each stage and ask which one they were in. John feels as if they are still in the infatuation stage, based on his love for Cindy. He doesn’t feel as if the honeymoon has ended because he loves her more each day. Cindy feels the same, but recognizes realistically that they are in the connection stage. She said they have gone through the discovery stage and now focus on staying together and constantly working to better their relationship. While it does still feel new to her, she takes into consideration the challenges they’ve overcome and the challenges that await them in the future. One of the many challenges couples face is dealing with financial issues. Cindy makes a great living and had done so prior to meeting John. And the same goes for him. But Cindy realized, upon marriage, that John was better at managing finances than she was. After being independent for many years it was an adjustment for her to have someone else make suggestions to her on saving money or cutting back on her spending. However, trusting her husband and seeing the way he managed his own money, she took his advice and is glad she did. They consult on big purchases and realize that not every dollar spent has to be accounted for to the other person. They, especially Cindy, realize that being on one accord in money matters benefits the family. It’s not about one person’s money anymore. It’s their money regardless of who makes more or who spends it. Being that John and Cindy are both in their early 40’s, I asked both of them if they felt there was an ideal age to get married. Cindy believes there isn’t an ideal age to get married. If she had met John fifteen years ago and still feels as she does now, she would have married him then. However, she is thankful that she was able to do all the things she loved doing as a single woman such as traveling, going out with girlfriends as she pleased and shopping. She’s also thankful from a parental standpoint because her habits changed after having McKenna. She was able to satisfy her single self, and can now be happy and content being a wife and mother without feeling as if she missed out on anything. John says he was content not being married or even being on the path to marriage. He feels there is no ideal age to get married. When you’re ready, you’ll know it, no matter how old or young you are. He shares Cindy’s sentiments on satisfying his single self prior to meeting and marrying her. He is content with what he accomplished on his own and now loves that they accomplish things together. From the many topics we discussed, on and off the record, I am so inspired by John and Cindy’s approach to love and life. I enjoy being in their presence because they radiate a positive vibe. I don’t enjoy being around couples that argue or have tension between them. It’s uncomfortable for me and can change the mood of the environment. I have listened to both of them intently and have related their challenges to challenges I’ve had. The approach they take toward each other is remarkable. They have a mutual respect that goes beyond loving each other. They respect each other as individuals with their own respective levels of intelligence. I appreciate the example they provide to me and to other people they encounter. I know Cindy very well and it has really pleased me to watch her grow in love with someone who compliments her so well. I have seen the subtle changes she’s made such as cooking. I’ve also seen the more apparent changes, such as the reduction in her stress level. Talking to them and watching their words in action has redefined my beliefs in marriage. I don’t have many examples of a happily married couple. But knowing that Cindy and John are in my life makes it easier for me to have a blueprint of what marriage can be.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
How to Calculate Atomic Mass
How to Calculate Atomic Mass You may be asked to calculate atomic mass in chemistry or physics. There is more than one way to find atomic mass. Which method you use depends on the information youre given. First, its a good idea to understand what exactly, atomic mass means. What Is Atomic Mass? Atomic mass is the sum of the masses of the protons, neutrons, and electrons in an atom, or the average mass, in a group of atoms. However, electrons have so much less mass than protons and neutrons that they dont factor into the calculation. So, the atomic mass is the sum of the masses of protons and neutrons. There are three ways to find atomic mass, depending on your situation. Which one to use depends on whether you have a single atom, a natural sample of the element, or simply need to know the standard value. 3 Ways to Find Atomic Mass The method used to find atomic mass depends on whether youre looking at a single atom, a natural sample, or a sample containing a known ratio of isotopes: 1) Look Up Atomic Mass on the Periodic Table If its your first encounter with chemistry, your instructor will want you to learn how to use the periodic table to find the atomic mass (atomic weight) of an element. This number usually is given below an elements symbol. Look for the decimal number, which is a weighted average of the atomic masses of all the natural isotopes of an element. Example: If you are asked to give the atomic mass of carbon, you first need to know its element symbol, C. Look for C on the periodic table. One number is carbons element number or atomic number. Atomic number increase as you go across the table. This is not the value you want. The atomic mass or atomic weight is the decimal number, The number of significant figures varies according to the table, but the value is around 12.01. This value on a periodic table is given in atomic mass units or amu, but for chemistry calculations, you usually write atomic mass in terms of grams per mole or g/mol. The atomic mass of carbon would be 12.01 grams per mole of carbon atoms. 2) Sum of Protons and Neutrons for a Single Atom To calculate the atomic mass of a single atom of an element, add up the mass of protons and neutrons. Example: Find the atomic mass of an isotope of carbon that has 7 neutrons. You can see from the periodic table that carbon has an atomic number of 6, which is its number of protons. The atomic mass of the atom is the mass of the protons plus the mass of the neutrons, 6 7, or 13. 3) Weighted Average for All Atoms of an Element The atomic mass of an element is a weighted average of all the elements isotopes based on their natural abundance. It is simple to calculate the atomic mass of an element with these steps.Typically, in these problems, you are provided with a list of isotopes with their mass and their natural abundance either as a decimal or percent value. Multiply each isotopes mass by its abundance. If your abundance is a percent, divide your answer by 100.Add these values together. The answer is the total atomic mass or atomic weight of the element. Example: You are given a sample containing 98% carbon-12 and 2% carbon-13. What is the relative atomic mass of the element? First, convert the percentages to decimal values by dividing each percentage by 100. The sample becomes 0.98 carbon-12 and 0.02 carbon-13. (Tip: You can check your math by making certain the decimals add up to 1. 0.98 0.02 1.00). Next, multiply the atomic mass of each isotope by the proportion of the element in the sample: 0.98 x 12 11.760.02 x 13 0.26 For the final answer, add these together: 11.76 0.26 12.02 g/mol Advanced Note: This atomic mass is slightly higher than the value given in the periodic table for the element carbon. What does this tell you? The sample you were given to analyze contained more carbon-13 than average. You know this because your relative atomic mass is higher than the periodic table value, even though the periodic table number includes heavier isotopes, such as carbon-14. Also, note the numbers given on the periodic table apply to the Earths crust/atmosphere and may have little bearing on the expected isotope ratio in the mantle or core or on other worlds. Over time, you may notice the atomic mass values listed for each element on the periodic table may change slightly. This happens when scientists revise the estimated isotope ratio in the crust. In modern periodic tables, sometimes a range of values is cited rather than a single atomic mass. Find More Worked Examples
Saturday, November 23, 2019
People Who Can Help You on Election Day
People Who Can Help You on Election Day When voters walk into a busy polling place on election day, they see a vast array of people, most of them rushing around, doing lots of different things. Who are these people and what is their function in the election? Besides (hopefully) lots of other voters waiting to vote, youll see: Poll Workers These people are here to help you vote. They check voters in, making sure they are registered to vote and are at the correct polling place. They hand out ballots and show voters where to deposit their ballots after voting. Perhaps most importantly, poll workers can show voters how to use the particular type of voting device being used. If you have any problems using the voting machines or are not sure how to use the machine to complete your ballot, by all means, ask a poll worker. Poll workers either volunteer or are paid a very small stipend. They are not full-time government employees. They are people who are donating their time to help make sure elections are conducted fairly and efficiently. If you run into any problems while voting or waiting to vote, ask a poll worker to help you. If you make a mistake while filling out your ballot, let a poll worker know before you leave the polling place. The poll worker can give you a new ballot. Your old ballot will either be destroyed or placed in a separate ballot box for damaged or incorrectly marked ballots. Election judges At most polling places, there will be one or two election officials or election judges. Some states require one Republican and one Democratic election judge at each polling place. Election judges ensure that the election is conducted fairly. They settle disputes over voter qualification and identification, deal with damaged and incorrectly marked ballots and take care of any other issues involving interpretation and enforcement of election laws. In states that allow Election Day voter registration, election judges also register new voters on Election Day. Election judges officially open and close the polling place and are responsible for the safe and secure delivery of sealed ballot boxes to the vote counting facility after the polls close. As regulated by state laws, election judges are chosen by a board of elections, county official, city or town official, or state official. If an election judge appears to be â€Å"too young to vote†to you, 41 of 50 states allow high school students to serve as election judges or poll workers, even when the students are not yet old enough to vote. Laws in these states typically require that students selected as election judges or poll workers be at least 16 years of age and in good academic standing at their schools. Other Voters Hopefully, you will see many other voters inside the polling place, waiting their turn to vote. Once inside the polling place, voters may not try to convince others how to vote. In some states, such politicking is prohibited both inside and outside within a certain distance of the doors of the polling place. Exit Poll Takers Especially at lager precincts, exit poll takers, usually representing the media, may ask people leaving the polling place which candidates they voted for. Voters are NOT required to respond to exit poll takers.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
PR Assignment 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
PR Assignment 2 - Essay Example Most of the employees are familiar with the people working in public relation department therefore it becomes quite easier for them to communicate their grievances (Dennis). 2. Fernando Figueredo, head of multicultural practice for Porter Novelli, suggests that there are some unique characteristics shared by three major minority groups. These groups include Hispanics, African and Asian Americans. 3. These three groups are going to control majority of the businesses of USA. Frequent immigrations to USA on part of the people belonged to these groups suggests that USA is regarded as a platform from where entrepreneurs can unleash their potential. Corporations in general while FMCG’s in particular should start to recognize these groups as a separate market segment which have different needs and wants as compared to their American counterparts. Therefore marketers should try to reach Hispanics, Africans and Asians in a culturally relevant manner. This technique will support the re-purchase behavior of consumers. There are many corporations which are trying to reach consumers in the way they want. Mc Donald and Pepsi are among such corporations. Therefore it can be concluded that diversity among consumers should be viewed as an opportunity to earn more profits rather than considering it a threat (Dennis). 4. The use of social networking websites is growing at an exponential rate. The workplace is also not safe from use of social networking websites. Therefore employers have to take steps so that employees can concentrate on the work. I believe that employers are right if the are blocking the social networking websites during office hours. Employee is expected to give his full time and energy when he or she is on the job. 5. Employee should not consider it something negative because office timings are those timings in which he has to contribute towards the overall productivity of the organization. If I will not be allowed by my
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Auto Business in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Auto Business in Canada - Essay Example There are concerns about the pace of progress towards increased regulatory cooperation across North America, the implications of a possible Canada-Korea free trade agreement, the proposal by the federal government to regulate fuel consumption, and the approach to consumer incentives and levies announced in the last federal budget. There is concern about the plans of several provinces to establish their own regulations on fuel emissions. There is concern about the accelerated Capital Cost Allowance announced in the recent federal budget and the Ontario government's commitment to support environmental R&D as examples of government actions in support of certain strategies to attract investment and ensure the Canadian auto sector remains strong and internationally competitive. ("Canadian Automotive Partnership Council Discusses Competitiveness Issues," 2007) There is increased cooperation across governments and closer cooperation with the US in addressing the key issues raised with regard to auto industry. The governments should ensure a competitive tax regime and business environment, a greater degree of harmonization with the US in setting safety and environmental regulations, as well as a fair international trade regime. The assessment of the required level of assistance will take into consideration the total assistance from all levels of government (e.g., federal, provincial and municipal assistance). This includes assistance such as all Grants and Contributions being considered, implicit subsidies, forgivable loans, investment tax credits and any other grant or contribution. All recipients of financial assistance will be required to disclose any other government financial assistance received or requested for this prior to the approval of the contributions. Budget2007 demonstrates the government's commitment to addressing automotive sector interests, in providing generous capital cost allowances, significant investments in gateway and transportation infrastructure and measures to foster innovation and green technologies. Through the auto strategy, the government has leveraged more than $7billion in new investments that will create thousands of jobs and help position Ontario's auto industry for long-term competitiveness. Focus is given on how to build on this success while helping the industry meet the near-term challenges of a major global restructuring and the need for improved
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Lenten Candles †The Color and the Significance Essay Example for Free
Lenten Candles – The Color and the Significance Essay Lent candles have their own significance in the observance of Lent. The burning candles stands for the arrival of Christ as the illumination of the world. The shades of the candles can differ. Conventionally, three purple candles and one rose-colored or pink candle are used. The purple indicates that Lent is a period of regret as well as hope. Many churches use blue candles instead of purple ones to highlight the positive hope of the period. A candle is lit on the first Sunday of Lent with an additional one lit on every following Sunday. The blissfully colored pink candle is set aside for the third Sunday of Lent, Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete, which actually refers to rejoice in Latin, is the initial word of the Introit for that Sunday: Several Christians append an exact explanation to the four candles. The first candle, or the Prophet Candle, stands for the optimism and expectation of Christs incarnication as forecasted at so many places in the Old Testament. The second candle recalls how Christ was born in modest style, in the trivial village of Bethlehem. Therefore this candle is often referred to as the Bethlehem Candle. The third candle is identified as the Shepherds Candle. It brings to mind the joy of the shepherds when they left after having seen the Christ-child in the stable. The fourth candle is the Angels Candle. It take us back to the blissful crowd that declared the good news of our Saviors birth.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Biography of Hillary Clinton :: HIllary Clinton Politics Government Essays
Biography of Hillary Clinton Hillary Diane Rodham was born on October the 26th 1947 at Edgewater Hospital, in Chicago. Her parents Hugh and Dorothy married in 1942. When Hillary was still young she learnt to stand up for herself. She told her mom that Suzy was bullying her and her mom said "There's no room in this house for cowards. You'll have to stand up to her." Hillary later knocked Suzy to the ground and said "Mom, now I'm tough enough to play with the boys! " After this she became a natural leader " She wasn't just interested in having power, but to help people. She felt sorry for the Mexican migrant workers , and organised neighborhood sales to raise money for them. She was a vice president of her junior class. She spent four years at Wellesley High School. During the Vietnam war Hillary and her fellow student held a demonstration to stop the Americans bombing Vietnam. She majored in political science and also studied psychology. When she started at Wellesley she was a Republican but later became a Democrate. Hillary was a Grade A student always and went to Yale Law School, where she met William Jefferson Clinton. In the summer and fall of 1972 Bill and Hillary both moved to Texas to work for the Democratic presidential campaign of Senator George McGovern. In January 1974 she was part of the legal staff for the House Judiciary Committee. This was a very exciting time for her as they were investigating President Nixon's involvement in the Watergate scandal. After working in Washington DC , she decided to leave and go to Arkansas, where Bill was teaching at the University of Arkansas Law School. Her friends couldn't understand why she was throwing her life away to work in a dirt-poor state. But often her answer was simply. "I love him". In October 1975 Bill Clinton and Hillary got married. She continued to work as a lawyer and kept her family name of Rodham when she married. In 1980 they had a child named Chelsea. The first election at Arkansas in 1980 was not a triumph, and many people blamed it on Hillary with her thick glasses and baggy sweaters.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Technology leading to Obesity Essay
Technology is becoming used excessively every day. Kids spend all their time on their phone or playing video games. With new innovations coming out every week, people want to be the first to own the â€Å"new thing†. There should be one hour a day where one has to participate in activities that do not involve technology to prevent obesity. I believe all the new inventions contribute to the world’s obesity problems. Most people thought obesity was due to the advent of â€Å"super-sized†fast food but new research places the blame squarely on a double dose of innovation Adults and kids alike spend numerous amount of time sitting down to watch television or looking up interesting subjects on the computer. Researchers now suggest that 60 percent of the extra pounds Americans have put on maybe caused by a decline in the physical demands of work brought about by the arrival of computers and the like. All this time spent sitting and not being physically active is harmfu l to one’s health. Since new ideas are made each day, why hasn’t someone invented something that stimulates the mind as well as keeps the body in shape? Both adults and children are leading increasingly sedentary lifestyles thanks to modern technology. Children no longer need to go outside to talk to their friends when they can keep up with them through texting or social networks. They do not even need to go outside to play games anymore when they have video games right there at their fingertips. Technology may be convenient, but it must be balanced with physical activity in order to keep both ourselves and our children healthy. In past decades, strenuous jobs meant that workers were in effect paid to exercise. Now workers with more sedentary jobs pay to exercise at the gym. It is this lack of exercise, rather than an increase in calories, that has led to the weight gain, they say, which is no longer music to the ears of the US fast-food companies as they are now facing lawsuits from some litigi ous fatties. Research has shown that an average 6ft-tall man today weighs 30 pounds more than he did in the early 1900’s. Some parents have been relying on technology as â€Å"electric babysitters†including the television and computer. Parents know where their child is if they are watching television or sitting in front of the computer screen. It is the parents duty to incorporate activities that involve exercise if they want to use these methods including Wii fit, or Dance Dance Revolution. Kids may also get the feeling that it is alright to watch television all day or continuously play on the computer if they see their parent doing likewise. Just a few small changes can make the difference between bad habits that are likely to lead to obesity, and good habits that they will carry with them for life. Parents must remember that our children are our future, and as such, they have the responsibility to teach them good habits to carry with them all their lives. The government should pass a law where a time period each day is not used on technology, or if it is, used in way to where you are exercising. This could give people time to work out or do something productive with their life. Instead of bragging about making it to level 30 on zombies, kids could say they learned the difference from a poisonous plant and an edible plant. People today are becoming too lazy and reliant on technology.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
American Public Education
Maddie Mellor College Writing 24-102 Dr. Boggs American Public Education Today, education enables us to enlarge our knowledge and open doors for opportunities to the path of having a good future. In the five readings, each written by a different author, there was a lesson learned and something to take away from each one. Reading through the passages by Mann, Moore, Malcolm X, Gatto, Rose, and Anyon, each author contributed his or her point of view on general public education. This topic can be very argumentative depending on the quality of education people receive.Education today is the single most important mean for individuals to achieve their personal goals in the workforce. In Horace Mann’s â€Å"Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education,†he gives his opinion about all the different sorts of education. Examples such as, physical, intellectual, political, moral, and religious education all play a part in who we grow up to be. This is why quality education is so important. Horace Mann makes a point that public schools follow strict rules and curriculum, which transforms all students to become the same person.He asks the question, â€Å"Does education empower us? Or does it stifle personal growth by squeezing us into prefabricated cultural molds? †(Mann, page 123). The type of education we receive can critically shape and enhance our identities either in a negative or positive way. One example of a negative view would be the story written by Michael Moore. He explains how our country is simply a bunch of â€Å"idiots. †In the passage entitled â€Å"Idiot Nation†written by Michael Moore, he discusses his opinion on Americans today and our lack of knowledge.He feels like we live in a nation of idiots. Moore believes that although there is a large number of unintelligent people in our country, we all have the capability to be very smart and expand our minds to more things than we realize. He referenced high school senio rs and said that they are trained to live the same routine every day of their lives as students. Teachers tell them, â€Å"Don’t do this, don’t do that, tuck your shirt in, wipe that smile off your face, where’s your hall pass, and DETENTION†(Moore, page 134).Mostly every student today is treated like this and it is all they have ever known when it comes to discipline. Every student today has the same responsibilities and the same consequences if you do not fulfill them. I, as a former high school student, completely agree with what Moore discusses in this story because every student is looked upon the same way, and if a student wanted respect from faculty, he or she had to earn it. However, Moore’s credibility does not reflect much on his strong opinions about public schooling.Considering he was a college dropout over something as silly as not being able to find a parking spot doesn’t seem acceptable for us to care for what he has to prove about education. Being a responsible student and providing yourself the best education is partially up to the student themselves and each child in a public school has the capability to teach themselves anything they want to learn if they just put their mind to it. â€Å"Learning to Read†written by Malcolm X tells a story about himself and how he taught himself to read.Personally, I thought this was the most interesting to read about because it proves just how far one can actually come if he or she is driven and determined to accomplish something. Malcolm X was motivated by the knowledge he was surrounded with and wanted to be able to communicate. He was inspired by everything he had never known and said, â€Å"I was because of my letters that I happened to stumble upon starting to acquire some kind of a homemade education†(X page 210). At that point in his life, he was determined to do something no one has ever tried before, and that was to teach himself how to read .He said that, â€Å"the best thing I could do was get hold of a dictionary to study and learn some words†(X, page 211). Before long, Malcolm X was a fluent speaker and a very successful writer. He had a wide knowledge for speech and vocabulary because of the time he spent devoted to learning. However, there are things one can learn on their own just by going out into the real world. John Taylor Gatto wrote about the topic of boredom in his story â€Å"Against School. †He was an award-winning educator, so most believed his statements about education to be true because he was such a credible source.Gatto discusses his belief of having children learn more of what they will need to live on their own in the real world. He wants students to take their education with them out into the world instead of learning pointless material in public school that will never be applied to the real world. Gatto references this to boredom and uses it as an example of why some children do not enjoy school. Material that is required to be taught bores students easily, and does not expand their minds to subjects they are interested in. He asks, â€Å"Do we really need school?I don’t mean education, just forced schooling: six classes a day, five days a week, nine months a year, for twelve years†(Gatto, page 148-149). Students are trained to become addicts of everyday school and it strips them of responsibility and independence. Eventually, once we can understand the tricks and traps of public schooling, we can avoid them. In â€Å"I Just Wanna Be Average,†Mike Rose goes back to his years in school, in which he also referred to them as bottom level classes. Throughout his schooling, he was placed in low-ranking classes by accident, but decided to move on to the more academically advanced track.Rose goes in depth about each and every one of his teachers, and describes his classmates he was around during the time being during the time he was in the l ow classes. The students Mike Rose has class with were discouraging for him to be around and he mentioned that â€Å"the vocational track he was on, is most often a place for those who are just not making it, a dumping ground for the disaffected†(Rose, par. 159). He explains that his teachers acted like they could care less about teaching their students and instead use physical violence or a lack of lesson plans to control them.I personally believe that teachers today do not act this way. As a former high school student, teachers are encouraged to help their students with anything they might need. That is their job and what they are supposed to do is teach. If a teacher is not able to assist you in something, they simply are not doing their job correctly. Education is looked upon as a very important part of someone’s life and determines ones future. This simply shows that if students are driven enough to further their education and improve their lives, teachers are th ere to help guide them.In the last passage â€Å"From Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work,†Jean Anyon proposes that certain aspects of teaching show that there is possibly a hidden curriculum in schools based on the performance of the students as well as their social status. She investigated details of each school's curriculum from different areas and in most people's opinion, schools are ranked by their socioeconomic status as whole. Implying that the quality of education is worst for working class schools and best for the more elite schools, there are strategies to go above and beyond.Though she does not necessarily agree with this opinion, she does define the purpose of schoolwork, and she says, â€Å"Schoolwork helps one to achieve, to excel, to prepare for life†(Anyon, page 172). Between every twist and turn that is found through education. We are all here to achieve the same goal, simply because we want to be successful. It’s obvious that educ ation has improved over time and more people have been taking advantage of the opportunity to gain knowledge and better themselves.Each one of these authors proves important points to consider about education and to form your own opinion. There is a lesson learned and something to take away from each one. Each author contributed his or her point of view on general public education. This topic can be very argumentative depending on the quality of education people receive, however, education enables us to enlarge our knowledge and open doors for opportunities to the path of having a good future. Education today is the single most important means for individuals to achieve their personal goals and be successful. Mann, Horace. Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford St Martins, 2012. * Moore, Michael. Idiot Nation. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford St Martins, 2012. 134. * Malcolm X, . Learning to Read. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford St Martins, 2012. 210-211. * Gatto, Jo hn Taylor. Against School. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford St Martins, 2012. 148-149. * Rose, Mike. I Just Wanna Be Average. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford St Martins, 2012. 159. * Anyon, Jean. From Social Class and the Hidden Curriculum of Work. 8th ed. Boston: Bedford St Martins, 2012. 172.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Abuse of Power by Presidents from John Kennedy to George Bush essays
Abuse of Power by Presidents from John Kennedy to George Bush essays Kennedy's number one incident of an abuse of power was probably the "Bay of Pigs" secret invasion into Cuba in April, 1961. The attempt to overthrow Cuban dictator Fidel Castro was a huge failure, and it was an embarrassment to both Kennedy and to the United States in the eyes of the world. Kennedy did not consult the U.S. Congress prior to launching the provocative attack, and hence, many felt it was an abuse of his power. Lyndon Johnson's biggest incidence of an abuse of power was most likely the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in 1964. The American military had for several years been providing "training" and "advisors" to the South Vietnam regime, and Lyndon Johnson, like several presidents before him, believed that if the communists in North Vietnam, led by Ho Chi Minh, were allowed to take over all of Vietnam, then other Southeast Asian nations would fall, too, like a stack of dominos. So, in August, of 1964, Johnson claimed that the U.S. Navy had been attacked by North Vietnamese torpedo boats, and he told Congress he needed authority to respond to that attack. The U.S. Senate approved (except for 2 Senators) the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave Johnson the authority to bomb North Vietnam. Subsequent insider information has shown there was no attack by the North Vietnamese on U.S. Navy ships. It was a lie, and an abuse of power. Richard Nixon was guilty of many abuses of power during the Watergate scandal, such as authorizing lies by his inner staff, authorizing breaking into Daniel Ellsburg's office, and many more. Ronald Reagan (unwittingly) allowed a secret cell of government to be established in his administration, by Oliver North and John Poindexter; they sold U.S. weapons to the Ayatollah in Iran, and secretly gave the money to the Contras in Nicaragua. George Bush (senior) as VP under Reagan gave millions of dollars in chemical weapons technology to Sadd...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Fun Science Facts You Need to Know
Fun Science Facts You Need to Know Amaze yourself and your friends with these science facts! This is a collection of fun and interesting science facts. When you crack a whip, it makes a sharp sound because the tip of the whip is traveling faster than the speed of sound. It is a sort of mini sonic boom!You could theoretically lose weight eating celery since it takes more calories to digest celery than are contained in the vegetable. Shark teeth are as hard as steel.The only letter not used in the periodic table is J.Lobsters have blue blood.Sound travels about four times faster in water than in air.2 and 5 are the only prime numbers that end in 2 or 5.Women blink nearly twice as often as men.The billionth digit of pi is 9. (Source: Ben Peoples)On average, it takes a person 7 minutes to fall asleep.The peanut is a member of the bean or legume family and not a nut.The prefix numbus in a cloud name means the cloud produces precipitation.Anemometers measure wind speed.The only two planets in our solar system that do not have moons are Mercury and Venus.Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin.Oxygen is the most common element in the Earths c rust.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
NHS Should Cover Lifestyle Diseases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
NHS Should Cover Lifestyle Diseases - Essay Example The National Health Service (NHS) is a UK government entity that provides health care to patients regardless of their ailments, social, political or religious inclinations as long as one is a UK citizen or has lived in the country for more than 12 months among other conditions. Funds to facilitate healthcare through this scheme are generated mainly from taxes collected from the public. It is estimated that every individual in the country contributes close to ?1000 every financial year totalling the collections to approximately ?100 billion as per 2008/9 budget (Hanson, 2010). This paper is a critical evaluation on whether the NHS should take care of illnesses that are as a result of dangerous habits such as smoking, alcohol abuse, poor dieting among others. Primary Healthcare Trusts (PCTs) in the UK are reportedly refusing to offer certain kinds of treatment to patients, who are considered as living unhealthy life thus barring them from benefiting from the NHS scheme. These patients are for example smokers, abusers of alcohol, and those who have body mass indexes (BMI) exceeding 30 or who are generally overweight and obese. According to Rojas (2012), â€Å"The NHS has been accused of blocking access to surgery for smokers and obese patients.†This has been attributed to the intent of the health sector to save money. Such restrictions are being observed in PCTs in places such as North Essex, Lincolnshire, Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire among others, which are numerous. To begin with, such kinds of restrictions are discriminatory based on the fact that all UK citizens are human beings, who are created equally and with equal rights and privileges, which cannot be denied on the basis of trying to economise on financial resources. The NHS is a scheme, which is there to take care of all citizens’ health needs irrespective of their personal habits especially with the consideration that these people pay taxes, which fund the operations of the scheme (Ham, 2008). Personal habits such as smoking and drinking of alcohol are every person’s right to choose whether to indulge or not. Otherwise, the government could have banned their use long time ago thereby making it illegal to possess or consume. Every citizen has an inalienable right to pursue happiness and if such reward can be found in the use of these legal substances, then, no institution or individual should try and force people to abandon them. The decision to quit smoking, drinking or to minimize intake of junk food is personal but this does not mean that those who choose not to should be condemned to torture, discrimination or death. Denying people of treatment on the basis of their personal habits is a measure that the government should not even contemplate as this does not help them in any way. In deed, it only complicates their health and this may result to deaths that are otherwise preventable. Apart from paying taxes, these people, whether obese or otherwise, contri bute to the country’s economic growth through their different economic activities and services, which they provide to the nation. It therefore goes without saying that if they
Friday, November 1, 2019
Business Issues in Business Intelligence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Issues in Business Intelligence - Essay Example vels of a corporation to more simply access, identify, evaluate, collaborate, and perform operations on information, anywhere and anytime (TechTarget; Microsoft). Though, many business intelligence tools work fine and help organizations take better decisions. They provide exact targets, graphs, drill-through and drill-downs. However, a great deal of work in an operational data warehouse system entails processing of data collected from different operational systems into the data warehouse. In this process of decision making and making intelligible decisions, there exist many problems regarding ETL (extraction, transformation and loading). In other words, while collecting huge amount of data from different sources we can face many issues regarding ETL. These issues can also influence the overall quality of decisions and business operations. In addition, ETL can entail substantial complexity and significant operational problems those can take place due to improperly designed ETL systems that can eventually influence the performance of BI system’s working and operations (Scott). The successful implementation of BI requires plenty of data analysis and evaluation. In this scenario we need to assess the quality of data in predicting the results. On the other hand, data warehouses are normally assembled from a mixture of data sources with different formats as well as purposes. In this scenario, ETL is a key process to bring the entire data together in a standard and uniform structure. In case a problem happens to ETL process overall working and operations of the corporate decision support can be exaggerated. In addition, it will lead to ineffective and lower quality results. Moreover, major issues in ETL can include: (Kimball and Caserta; Kimball and Ross, The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling, 2nd Edition) The presence of any of the above listed issues can affect the implementation of business intelligence. These issues can also lead
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Writing process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Writing process - Essay Example The students can browse through books, journals and website to find adequate knowledge as well as possible options for the topic. The student may come up with five possible topics which is still subject for making it more specific and narrow so that paper will have focus and central theme.Topic formation is part of this stage wherein the student has decided for the main topic, thesis statement or central theme for the paper. The topic sentence or thesis statement must be formulated. Student may also use free writing to take down his own thoughts, ideas and reactions about the topic.Importance: This stage is important for this enhances the students' ability to come up with their stored knowledge and practice their creative minds with regards to writing. Aside from this, this will also develop decision-making skills for the student will be the one to discern the topic which best interests them and which they know most about. It is necessary for the student will be able to gauge how muc h he knows the topic and how much interest he has on his chosen topic. Aside from coming up with the topic, an outline can also be produced.Drafting involves the transfer of ideas from the pre writing section to a formal draft. Since the outline has been made from the pre writing section, it is time for the student to arrange and structure his argument as well as all the information he has researched. The introduction as well as the conclusion is formulated at this stage. Citing the references involves the use of writing styles such as Harvard style, MLA, APA or Chicago methods. The note cards that were used during the pre writing section will be of great help here for it has all the details regarding the publications and materials that were used for the draft of the paper. The student should check if their instructor specified the paper format or it is up to them to decide which they find appropriate. The in-text citations can be properly placed in the draft and again, the note cards will be very helpful at this time. Importance: The ability to organize all the gathered information into a structured, informative and well-written paper will be improved and makes this stage essential. Plagiarism is taboo when it comes to writing. The best way to teach students how to prevent this from happening is for them to learn how to paraphrase and use writing styles (APA, MLA, etc.) as well as in-text citations. Editing Editing includes rereading the draft means to check on any grammatical errors, spelling errors, citation omissions, effectiveness of the sentences, use of transitions, punctuations and paragraph structure as well as to review if the paper is organized in such a way that it is readable, understandable and progressive. It is also necessary to check if there are any content problems and rhetorical issues. Revising involves making the necessary changes after proofreading. Importance: These stages are essential to ensure the good quality and effectiveness of the paper. Feedback is necessary from the instructor to inform that student how the paper appeals to readers. Revising Revising includes making decisions abouthow the student wantstoimprovehis writing, looking at one's writing from a different point of view, picking places where one's writing could be clearer, more interesting, more informative and more convincing. It is
Monday, October 28, 2019
Creating a Personal Development Plan
Creating a Personal Development Plan Personal development plan can be defined as the development of the skill of a person which is very much important for personal career and also professional career of that person. This plan also indicates to the advancement of the personality of individual person. It helps a person to make him capable and confident in his profession. The development of a persons characteristics and professional development is considered as important aspect of the career of a person. Therefore, having a personal professional development is very much required for a person. In accordance with the requirement of Task 1, it is needed to identify and analyze the SMART objectives of personal and as well as organizational and also along with for the purpose of achieve these objectives, the required skills are also analysed and explained on this task. After that the audit on the skill is conducted in relation to the purpose of organization and the objectives of personal and organizational. Personal objectives: In focusing towards the acronym of SMART, my personal and organizational objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and bounding within time. That means the objectives whether it is personal or organization should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and bounding within time. The specific objective means the feature objective is concretion, well definition, detailed and as well as focused. Not only this, the specific objective is mainly action oriented, the outcome and straight forward. The objective should also be measurable. In relation to the measurement of objective, it should be needed to ensure the identification of the source of measurement and action is tracking for the purpose of objective progress. Objective is measured for the purpose of making comparison to determine standard performance. The other feature of objective is that the objective should be achievable. If the objectives which are determined by the person are not achievable then the person doesnt feel interest and never motivated to achieve these objectives. And when the objectives are not achievable by the person then he feel frustration and lose motivation. If the objectives are not achievable, it also not is realistic. That means the source of achieve objective should be specific and available. For the purpose of achieving the objectives there are required some resources for example: skills, money, equipment etc. The objectives should also be achievable within a time limit that means a fixed deadline is needed for achieving the objective. Time management is very necessary in order to achieve the objective. In relation to the acronym of SMART, my personal objectives are: 1.To achieve PGD degree from the London School of Accountancy and Management. 2. To complete MBA degree. 3. To be a good manager in an organization. Organization objectives: In focusing towards the acronym of SMART, as an organizational manager, there are five objectives which should be achieved by the manager: Forecasting and planning: → clear vision setting in relation to the SMART objectives such as: achievable, measurable, specific, realistic, and time boundary. Organizing: → structure build up. → task is divided or apportioned → resources should be considered for example: human, monetary, technology and materials → sensitivity and security ensuring Command → activities are maintained in between the personnel. → hierarchy reporting → activities are controlled among the manager and work force Co-ordination → all activities and efforts are unifying and harmonising → co-ordinated management supervise and harmonise the activities and efforts → provide support → Motivation Controlling: Rule is established and command is expressed for the purpose of conducting the managerial activities in relation to check the work efficiency of the personnel. Time management strategies: For using time more effectively and efficiently, there are some ways of managing time such as: managing time for a week. For doing this, time can be divided into small unit. In case of a business organization, it is noticed that majority of the time that is spent on different activities of the organization is not productive and in many times time is wasted by the employees because of ineffective time management. There are some strategies of time management: 1. Establishing objectives: For achieving profit maximization, make a plan to use the time with the way which is realistic. Time management helps a manager or an entrepreneur to achieve organizational objectives more effectively and efficiently. 2. Evaluation of spending time: The way of spending time in working place is very much necessary to determine. The working hours or the availability of mine also has to be calculated. The amount of tasks and number of activities which a person can do in a week should also be calculated. Except these strategies, other strategies are: 1. Assess the difference between utilising of the actual and ideal time. 2. Give priority the task of work. 3. Give importance towards the urgent and important work. Requirement of skill for achieving personal and organization objective: For the purpose of meeting and achieving the each and every goal and objective of personal and organizational, some skills are needed such as: the skill of communicating with other peoples, skill of IT, problem solving skill, skill of working with team, self performance and learning skill. These skills are considered as basic skills which are very much important for achieving personal objectives. But for the purpose of achieving the organizational objectives, four skills are needed to contain by the manager such as: planning, organizing, leading, coordinating etc. Task 2: Personal Development Plan Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 SKILL Existing PROFICIENCY Proficiency of target Scope of development Judging success criteria Time frame proof No 1. Priority Skills of presentation To be able to give presentation in classroom but feel nervous and cant give presentation as the standard of professional Classroom presenter as confidently Be able to give presentation in the group of tutor I want to achieve A grade in my project by giving successful presentation in the class. Till the academic year ending By giving successful presentation in the class No 2. Priority Skills Of writing The description as technical is good but critical thinking of mine seems to be difficult to present Descriptive writing is good and critical writing is satisfactory To college writing fellow, I can show my work and also in relation to business studies I can make better assignment 2.1 achieving by me in relation to the business studies and assess my skill in accordance with my teacher feedback. I can achieved confidence to make better assignment Till the year of 2nd By making successful assignment in relation course studies No 3. PRIORITY Awareness as commercial I have interest in the issue of business but lack of the awareness as practical Knowledge as practice To participate on the training program for achieving commercial awareness Complete the program of training program for achieving commercial awareness Till the year of 3rd By achieving commercial awareness No 4. PRIORITY Skills Of Team working Cant adjust to work with the team member and cant appreciate other works and also hate to appreciate other ideas Goals are understood by me greatly in order to achieve objectives I appreciate the other team member roles and activities Team progress can be monitored by me in order to meet the difficulties and overcome these difficulties Till the year of 3rd By lead a team successfully No 5. PRIORITY Skills of leadership Not confident and cant lead or motivate other people with my own word Achieve confidence to lead the team and also delegate with others Working as a team leader on a group project. Group is satisfied with me, project is considered as most successful and I can achieve confidence at the best level Till the year of 3rd Working as a team leader on a group project. Task 3: Professional skill: For answering this task, here I choose three organizations: Tesco, Sainsbury, Marks and Spencer. The definition of professional skill can be provided as the skills and knowledge which are achieved for the purpose of personal development and along with the advancement of career. The opportunities of learning as facilitated are encompassed by the personal development which is related with the range of formal work, conferences and the practice of the opportunities of learning as facilitated. The features of the learning opportunities are intensive and collaborative which are related with the evaluative stage. Personal development includes of several approaches for example: consultation, coaching and practice of communities, study of lesson, training, supervision as reflective, and the assistance of technology. Personal skill: Personal skill is also considered as the interpersonal skill of the person which is consisted of the algorithm of mental and communicative which is applied for the purpose of conducting social communication and interacting with other peoples in order to identify achieve specific effects or outcome. In order to being a successful manager, he or she should has to contain some professional and personal skills such as: leadership, time management skill, meeting running, presentation making, management of stress etc. The importances of these skills are now evaluated: Leadership skill: Leadership skill is considered as the managerial skill which is used for the purpose of motivating the peoples of the group in order to achieve the common goal. In this competitive market, it is very much needed to contain the skill of leadership by the manager through which he or she can lead the organization effectively and efficiently. Leadership is mainly related with the capacity where leader contains the capacity to listen others opinion and observe the activities of employees. Not only is this, in the decision making areas, the skills very much needed for the manager of an organization. One more thing is that if the employees are not motivated to do their works then the business cant be run and the manager with leadership skill can be greatly motivated to the employees of their works and try to give their best. Time management skill: The definition of time management skill can be given as the process and tools of developing the skills in order to enhancing the efficiency and productivity. Time management skill is considered as the personal skill which is directed towards the using the valuable resources within the time frame. For the purpose of managing time, the manager should be more organized, efficient and as well as happier. The skill of personal time management is consisted of the activities of setting of goals, planning, prioritizing, make the decision, delegating and scheduling. By using time management skill, wastage can be eliminated, make preparation for attending the meeting, excessive workload refusing, project progress can be monitored, plans can be made for each day and each week efficiently and effectively. Stress management skill: The definition of stress can be provided as the reaction of nervous system of the body towards the specific events. Stress management can be defined as the system with the aim of stress reducing and along with the person who contains this skill can be facilitated in order to adjust with the specific situation. Stress management skill is very much needed for manager for the purpose of attending the meeting and represents the meeting, on that time the manager should control the stress. The above skills such as: leadership skill, time management skill, stress management skills are very much needed for the manager to be successful in his professional life and as well as personal life through which he or she can meet the personal goal and as well as achieve the organizational goal. Recommendation: There are existed several methods of that are appropriate for the purpose of advancing the skill of professional and personal such as: leadership skill, time management skill, stress management skills are very much needed for the manager to be successful in his professional life and as well as personal life through which he or she can meet the personal goal and as well as achieve the organizational goal. For the purpose of developing these required skills, some ways can be adopted and these ways are described below: The approach as structured are used for the purpose of solving the problem Provide training program Create the link in between the problems and try to solve it Create relationship in between solving the problem and making decision as well Problem can be solves through get support from the people by taking their opinion and as well as use the required resources on developing the problem skill Here, training program and practice to develop the professional and personal skill as by own are considered as the most practical method which is used for the purpose of developing the personal and professional skill. The program of training is mainly related with the process of learning which consists of the knowledge acquisition, skill sharpening, attitudes and behaviours changes, in order to employee performance enhancing. Not only this, by practicing as by the person own, one person can achieve the required skill such as: by practising, the person can manage the time, can solve the problem. Task 4: Personal development plan: The definition of personal development plan can be provided as the persons skill development which is considered as significant thing in relation to the development or establishment of personal and as well as the professional career. For the purpose of developing the individual personal personality, making the plan for personal development is very much needed. In order to achieve capability and as well as being confident in the professional life, personal development plan provides support to the person. In relation with the building up a career, the two main aspects are personal characteristics development and as well as the characteristics are developed for making good professional life. So it can be said that a person should have to make a plan of personal development. Here, in relation to the personal and professional and as well as organizational objectives, the Kolbs learning style is used through which it is possible to find out the way of learning along with suitable method ca n also be identified to for the purpose of achieving the objectives of personal and professional and as well as organizational objectives. There are existed several methods of that are appropriate for the purpose of advancing the skill of professional and personal such as: leadership skill, time management skill, stress management skills are very much needed for the manager to be successful in his professional life and as well as personal life through which he or she can meet the personal goal and as well as achieve the organizational goal. For the purpose of developing these required skills, some ways can be adopted and these ways are described below: The approach as structured are used for the purpose of solving the problem Provide training program Create the link in between the problems and try to solve it Create relationship in between solving the problem and making decision as well Problem can be solves through get support from the people by taking their opinion and as well as use the required resources on developing the problem skill Here, training program and practice to develop the professional and personal skill as by own are considered as the most practical method which is used for the purpose of developing the personal and professional skill. The program of training is mainly related with the process of learning which consists of the knowledge acquisition, skill sharpening, attitudes and behaviours changes, in order to employee performance enhancing. Not only this, by practicing as by the person own, one person can achieve the required skill such as: by practising, the person can manage the time, can solve the problem. Task 5: Skill audit: There are the questions which consisted of the pointed value: Strongly disagree 1 disagree 2 agree 3 strongly agree 4 TEAMWORK 1 2 3 4 1. Can adjust to work with the team member à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 2 Goals are understood by me greatly in order to achieve objectives à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 3. Responsibilities of me is indicated towards the goal of the team work à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 4. I appreciate the other team member roles and activities à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 5. Team progress can be monitored by me in order to meet the difficulties and overcome these difficulties à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 6. It is very pleasure for me if I get the scope of leading the team à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ PROBLEM-SOLVING 1 2 3 4 7. I break the task which is the part of my job and distribute it in managerial section à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 8. For solving the problem, I may ask for the help from other à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 9. In order to solve the problem, challenges motivate me most to do this work à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 10. For the purpose of accomplishing the new task, I create the ideas by using brainstorming à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 11. I can anticipate the possible result in order to do a task à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 12 I can also anticipate the alternative solution in relation to the problem of question à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ Time management: 1 2 3 4 13. Tasks are organized by me as per the deadline of each task à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 14. I link in between the work progress and as well targets à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 15. In order to target meet and plan, I evaluate my strength and weakness à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ 16. For solving the problem, I may ask for the help from other à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯ à ¯Ã‚  ¯
Friday, October 25, 2019
Kants Moral Principles Essay -- Kant Immanuel Philosophy Morals Essay
Kant's Moral Principles      In the Foundation of the Metaphysics of Morals, the author, Immanuel Kant, tries to form a base by rejecting all ethical theories that are connected to consequences, and then focusing on our ethical motivations and actions. Kant wants to derive good characters out of contingently right actions. He believes that everything is contingent (everything can have good or bad worth, depending on how it is used). So he is trying to find the supreme principal of morality in all his reasoning. Kant also believes that an action is right or wrong based solely on the reason by which it was performed. However, a Utilitarian, like John Mill, would reject Kant’s reasoning of originating good characters out of actions alone, and instead argue that if an action has bad consequences, then the action was morally wrong.      Kant believes that an action has moral worth only if it is done out of respect for our moral code. He names this moral action a ‘duty.’ Kant also believes that in determining the moral worth of an action, we need to look at the maxim by which it was performed. So, we need to look at one’s reason for doing an action to determine if it is a duty. If the reason for performing the action is justified, then the action is a duty. However, Kant says there are two different types of reasons for performing an action. Kant calls these reasons ‘imperatives.’ The first reason for performing an action, the hypothetical imperative, is based on consequences and on our personal preferences. They are also contingent, meaning that they can be good or bad depending on how they are used. People choose to perform a given action because of the hypothetical imperative. The second reason for performing an action according to Kant is called the categorical imperative. These are not based on our preferences, don’t deal with consequences of an action, and are derived a priori. They are completely separate from hypothetical imperatives. We all have knowledge of categorical imperatives before experiencing them first. They are kind of a second nature for us, which needs to be recognized according to Kant. These are the most important reason for performing an action. These imperatives also have the characteristics that Kant needs in order to make his point that all of our moral principals are categ orical, have absolute authority, and are independent o... ...t hope to predict the outcome of any given situation. It is impossible; there is no such thing as seeing the future. So by making a false promise to your friend, you have still done the morally wrong action, even though it will most likely save them some suffering. It did indeed take away their choices, so they can’t act in a way they want to act (going to class). I happen to agree with Kant’s idea here. I think that no matter what the consequences are, performing the right action is always the right thing to do.      Overall I think that Kant has better arguments because they are directed at the individual, not at society in whole. I also agree that the moral worth of actions is determined by the motivating principal of the action, not by the consequences, like John Mill. So I am a deontologist, for the most part. However, I also agree with some of the things that Mill has to say. So is there a way that we can combine the ideas of Mill and Kant together in order to form a perfect society in which everybody is happy? I don’t know the answer to this question, but we should all strive to do so, and we should start by respecting each other’s autonomy and treating others as ends.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Much Ado About Nothing Notes
Much Ado About Nothingâ€â€Romantic Comedy * Much Ado about Nothing * Love and War; Love as Warâ€â€starts with soldiers coming back from war and wanting love; love becomes a battlefield * Young Lovers: Claudio and Hero * â€Å"Not(h)ing†Messina: Confusions of Appearance and Reality * Love and War; Love as War * 1. 1: World waiting for the return of youth and love * Learn of soldiers even before they enter scene: * Youthful Claudio, ll. 12-16 Benedick (older man) introduced by Beatrice, ll. 28-9â€â€he is being introduced by mockery; Beatrice makes the joke and marks her different from the other women in the playâ€â€she is loud, jokes about men, able to fight with words, witty, and Benedick is the same way * Beatrice and Benedick’s â€Å"merry war,†ll. 56-9 * Martial world replaced by â€Å"merry†one * What happens when skills necessary for success on the field of battle enter domestic world? * Romantic Couples * Potential Lovers: Claudio a nd Hero (make up the main plot, but some of the least interesting characters in the playâ€â€relatively quiet) * Beatrice and Benedick (subplotâ€â€more mature, more worldly, and they are much more talkative/interesting) * Claudio and Hero: * Claudio’s first line in play introduces interest in Hero, l. l. 154-70; â€Å"Note†: * To take notice of; to consider or study carefully; to pay attention to; to mark (OED 5. a) * To become aware of; to notice or perceive mentally; to be struck by (OED 5. b) * Claudio and Hero * Nature of Claudio’s love? ll. 278-289 Contrast between affections prior to and post military action * Hesitancy to use the word â€Å"love†* Don Pedro’s plan (ll. 300-312): * Disguise (Pedro says he will disguise as Claudio for the ball and approach Hero) * seduction as military action * World of the Play: Messina * Place of propriety and hospitality: * Disguise, deceit runs rampant through play * Inability to distinguish betwee n appearance and reality predominant feature of life in the world of play 1) â€Å"Not(h)ing†Messina: Confusion of Appearance and Reality 2) Educating Young Lovers: From Appearances to Faith ) Merry Warriors: Beatrice and Benedick * World of the Play: Messina * Gossipâ€â€Overhearing, mishearing, and eavesdroppingâ€â€central to play * â€Å"Nothing†and â€Å"noting†: to take notice of; to consider or study carefully; to pay attention; to mark (OED 5. a) * Pedro’s plan to woo for Claudio sets off chain reaction of misapprehensions: * 1. 2: Antonio tells Leonato that Pedro plans to woo Hero for himself (when in reality, Claudio is trying to woo her) * 1. 3: Borachio overhears Pedro and Claudio discussing plan, tells Don John the Bastard (Don John gets the story right! * 2. 1: Wooing by proxy * Masquerade/Disguise (dance to welcome back the soldiers) * Deceiving Claudio: Don John and Borachio, ll. 155-63 (they pretend he is Benedick) * Claudioâ€⠄¢s soliloquy ll. 164-74 * Does not question what he has been told: â€Å"Tis certain so. †(The prince woos for himself) * Love as impediment to friendship * â€Å"Eye as lover (synecdoche: â€Å"A figure by which a more comprehensive term is used for a less comprehensive or vice versa; as whole for part or part for whole, genus for species or species for genus, etc. (OED)) * Goes simply by what he sees Valediction (or rejection) to Hero * Leonato (Hero’s father) gives Claudio Hero’s hand, ll. 285-299 * Couple silent, must be prompted to speak * Beatrice cues them to speak * Hero is silent: sense of youthful embarrassment or confusion * they are overwhelmed and ignorant * Educating Young Lovers: From Appearances to Faith * â€Å"False†Hero, Take Two: Don John’s spectacle of infidelity * Claudio’s problem with trust, 3. 2. 111-3 * Shame Hero publicly: In plain view of all * 4. 1: Broken Marriage Ceremony * Claudio returns bride to father ll. 29-41: The blush: sign of innocence or experience? * Innocence: â€Å"How could you say these things? †* Experience: â€Å"Busted! †* â€Å"[E]xterior shows†of virtue (39) * He takes it as guilt, not as innocence * He is completely wrong. She is innocent. * Claudio’s second valediction to Hero, ll. 99-107 * speaks to his youthfulness that he is so easily swayed by only outward appearances * Re-educating Claudio * 5. 1: Realization of mis-noting (He is wrong. Learns of Don John’s lies) * 5. 3: Mourning ceremony (spends night at tomb of Hero) * Agrees to marry Hero’s cousin without seeing or knowing her. Claudio publicly retracts slander ll. 3-10 * In death, shame transformed into fame (Hero has become a hero through death) * Night gives way to dawn (shifts from grieving to hope; cover of darkness or confusion to a wrapping up of the play) * 5. 4: Hero’s â€Å"Resurrection†* Scene re-works and reverses 2. 1 (masked ball): women’s identities concealed by masks * Ceremony corrects Claudio’s initial error, in which he identified and valued Hero by outward signs * Merry Warriors: Beatrice and Benedick * Beatrice: â€Å"I pray you, is Signor Montanto returned from the wars of no? (1. 1. 28-9) * Opening exchange between host and guests takes bawdy turn, ll. 90-106 * Joking suggests male suspicion of female sexual inconstancy * Doubting Women’s Constancy * â€Å"A woman’s gentle heart, but no acquainted / With shifting change, as is false women’s fashion†(Sonnet 20, 3-4) * Cuckold, ry: â€Å"A derisive name for the husband of an unfaithful wife†(OED 1) * Idea that deceived husband would grow horns which would reveal him to his community as a dupe of his wife and her lover * Fear of Being Cuckolded Horns (bovine rather than antlers) associated with visibility: make things seen * Cuckold is emasculated, not merely by having his place taken by another, but i n being rendered vulnerable to representation * Husband becomes spectacle of ignorance to all around him * Verbal Energy of Warring Words * Public protestations against love: * Benedick vows to live as bachelor 1. 1. 227-256 * Beatrice against falling in love 2. 1. 5-17, 40-60 * Shared sentiments (and wit) mark Beatrice and Benedick as suited for one another * Gender and Speech Claudio on match with Hero 1. 1. 278-80 * Marriage as alliance * Economic concerns bind women * Parental (patriarchalâ€â€seems like there are only dads in Shakespeare’s plays) desires seem to govern women’s speech * Gulling the Reluctant Lovers * to pass the time prior to the wedding of Hero and Claudio, Don Pedro Proposes another theatrical interlude (trick) 2. 1. 342-366 * Tricking couple involves making them a spectacle, a form of comedic entertainment without their awareness * Matching Beatrice and Benedick involves form of structural cuckolding * 2. : Men â€Å"Hunt†Benedick * T ricksters pretend to speak truth, while Benedick â€Å"notes†their conversation (so he can listen in on their conversation) * Men describe Beatrice’s suffering from unrequited love, ll. 87-119 * to gull: to make a gull of ; to dupe, cheat, befool, â€Å"take in:, deceive (v. 3, def. 1) * Leonato’s authority and Hero’s virtue convince Benedick of â€Å"truth†* Benedick transformed, ll. 210-33 * Enumeration of Beatrice’s virtues contrasts Claudio’s interest in appearance * Converted into lover: â€Å"for I will be horribly in love with her†(l. 23) * 3. 1: Women Snare Beatrice * Actresses follow Don Pedro’s script (? â€â€are they actually following the script) * Silent Hero? ll. 34-36, 47-56, 60-70, 72-80 * Focus on Beatrice’s faults rather than Benedick’s virtues * Beatrice to temper her voice to Benedick’s wishes, ll. 107017) * New Alliances: Repudiation scene (4. 1) * All doubt Hero but witty lovers (Beatrice and Benedick) * Beatrice tests Benedick’s love, ll. 262-289 * â€Å"Kill Claudio†(288)
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